What camera slingback bag will fit the Fuji X-Ti, several lenses and accessories?

James S.
CamerasLenses Expert

Musician, photographer that's been playing and snapping for 10 years! These are my two greatest passions! Let's chat!


James S. recommended

3 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with James S. on July 29, 2016

James S.
Hi there! How are you? I'm James. Do you have any questions about cameras? Or how about questions pertaining to lenses? How can I help you today?
I am sorry James for not answering your question earlier phone rang. I can spend between 50-100 dollars. Maybe a sling back bag
James S.
It seemed like we were having connection issues too, so don't worry! You were looking for a bag for your Fuji XT1, correct?
Yes that is right
James S.
Okay great, and two lenses?
Yes and a place for wallet and glasses and phone
James S.
Okay, do you have a color or material preference?
Not really
James S.
Okay, give me a moment.
James S.
Here are three choices that I think will best fit your needs.
The second one even comes in multiple colors. :-)