What sling bags fit the Canon EOS 70D and two zoom lenses?

James S.
CamerasLenses Expert

Musician, photographer that's been playing and snapping for 10 years! These are my two greatest passions! Let's chat!


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Shopper conversation with James S. on August 14, 2016

James S.
Hi there! How are you? I'm James. Do you have any questions about cameras? Or how about questions pertaining to lenses? How can I help you today?
Looking for a sling bag that can carry a 70d with a Tamron 70-200 and 24-75 lense. Any recommendations?
James S.
Sure. One moment.
There's a whole array of different slings that fit that criteria. :-)
James S.
I actually use the Chrome Niko. It's a phenomenal bag.
Like the Jetty
James S.
That's a good one too.
as far as more backpack looking slings, what is in the line of Lowepro that woil
would fit that set up?
very sensitive return key i have, sorry
James S.
One moment and I'll pull up some backpacks for you.
looking at the Vanguard Sedona 43 sling, but it looks like a Rebel in the pictures and not much room left. Would that work?
James S.
Yeah, that bag would definitely work.
You might be interested in this lowepro bag, too
It's an actual backpack rather than single sling though.
But it's something to consider. :-)
Maybe the Lowepro Slingshot is more your liking. And it can hold enough to handle a growing equipment collection.
Looks good, but looking for that convenience of sling, versatility of backpack. Thanks for the help, at least I can use the specs of those bags interior to continue my search.
James S.
Awesome! I'm glad I could help.
Did you have any other questions before you go? :-)
That should do it. Thanks again.
James S.
You as well, thank you.