Which camera bag fits 2 camera bodies, a laptop and lenses?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on July 19, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. How can I help you?
HI! Are you shopping for a camera bag today?
Well, I'm shopping for a camera bag as well as some filters for some lens I received.
Anne A.
what lens did you get?
Well, I have a Nikkor 18-55mm, a Nikkor 55-300 mm, a Nikkor 18-105mm and I should be receiving a Nikkor 50mm any day now.
Anne A.
for the bag, do you want a backpack? or a shoulder bag?
So I really need a camera bag that's going to be good.
Anne A.
do you have one body? or 2?
I think a bagpack should really hit the spot.
Anne A.
I have 2 bodies.. a Nikon D-90 and a Nikon D5300.
Anne A.
will you be carrying a laptop? or a tablet?
So what do you think about the Think Tank Streetwalker Hard Drive?
Anne A.
this is an excellent bag!
I'd probably be carrying a tablet, but I'm not ruling out my laptop.
Anne A.
I checked out the Streetwalker a few months ago. Didn't get a chance to purchase because the camera store in my area closed it's doors back in March. So, now I really need a bag and quick.
Anne A.
this is a nice bag. Think tank is great quality too
So, in comparison to a Lowepro 250AWII, which do you think would protect my cameras better and give me the necessary room to carry other junk?
Anne A.
I have that Lowepro fastback. YOu won't get 2 bodies and 4 lenses in there.
But you will get the laptop in there and the top of the bag has a nice big area for carrying other stuff
the think tank is more for camera gear only - no extra stuff.
the lowpro is good for both, but it won't fit all of your equipment
in mine, I usually put one camera with a medium lens on it, 2 speedlights stacked on top of each other, 50mm lens, and one long lens
Well, I checked out the Lowepro Fastback and it seemed nice. I went to Best Buy and the Navy Exchange. Took a look at that bag and I thought it had some interesting features.
Anne A.
It is a nice bag, but it won't hold everything, unless you put some stuff in the top compartment too, which isnt really for photo equipment
I use that bag on outings, and when I need 2 bodies and more lenses, I take a big bag
But, I think that possibly I might work something out. I only have a 4 lenses. I don't have a Nikon SB910 or SB5000 yet. I'm looking at that real hard.
Okay, what's a "Big Bag"?
Anne A.
I use a big shoulder bag when I shoot events that I want to have my backup gear with me too
but that gets heavy!
those are smaller bodies, so you could possibly fit it all in there but it'd be full
Hmmm, well I'm just getting back into shooting but I do want to be able to carry at least both my bodies, Would you think the Think Tank is large enough to carry all of that stuff?
Anne A.
the think tank definitely has more room
if you go with the lowpro and put the 18-105 on one camera, you could put the 55-300 below that, and the 50mm and the end of the camera. Then you'd have room to put the body without lens on it in there too.
That seems like a plan. Yes, I'm shooting with DX's instead of FX's, but that down the road a bit. Still, I have seen the picture showing the camera attached to a 70-200 and all the gear that was in the Lowepro. But then again, you see many bags so you would know.
Anne A.
I see some pics of bags that I have myself and I don't know how they get in there what they say they do!
the Lowepro bag is deep, so you could stand the lenses up, but the 55-300 will have to lay down
so that limits your options
let me double check taht - I have that lens here
Oh yes, the 55-300 must lay down, but with the 50mm being so little, it shouldn't take up that much room.
Anne A.
the 55-300 will fit standing up, but just barely
I would worry about it like that myself because it goes right to the top of the bag when standing jp
Well maybe I could have the 55-300 towards the back. That way I don't have to worry about it getting damaged.
Anne A.
the bag is pretty deep and I tend to hit it into things as I'm walking too. it would probably be ok above the camera (toward the open compartment
I shoot DX as backup so I don't take that lens with me much
You say above the camera? Is there space for that?
Anne A.
I mean if you have the pack on your back, it would be above the camera slot
in the picture, it looks like they have a flash there
the pic looks like that compartment is smaller than the bottom one, but it is the same size
I had to pull up the Lowepro to take a look at this. I think I see what you're saying about where the flash is.
Anne A.
let me double check the dimensions- the tag on mine says 350
I see the lens to the right just peeking up almost at the lip of the bag.
Anne A.
the dimensions look the same
you see how that lens is in the pic? that is how the 55-300 will be
Now that I look at this bag, it does seem a little small. It does remind me of a Case Logic bag that has the suspended camera.
Anne A.
overall, it's a big backpack, but the top half is not padded for camera gear
the back is fully padded for the laptop, but not the front, top part
So, basically I would have to carry one body at a time. That's what you're saying. Right?
Anne A.
you could probably fit both bodies in this, but not with lenses attached to both
if you want lowepro, this would be a better choice http://www.adorama.com/lpptc4...
Well, I wouldn't carry the bodies attached to the lenses. It only takes one fall or incident and there goes the investment.
Anne A.
very true!
What filters do you have because I know I need a 52mm, a 58mm, and a 67mm.
Anne A.
what kind of filters do you want? UV? cpl? ND?
we have filter kits too -
Possibly all of them. I never know what might be happening and having a filter on there could save a good shot
So $30.00 for the 52. How about the 58 and the 67?
Anne A.
Now that looks like a plan. Ms. Anne, you have me in a right place. It was good speaking with you. I'll be purchasing this gear within the next 2-3 days. Thank you so very much for the info and the filters.
Anne A.
you're welcome!
Do you have any more questions? Or is there anything else I can help you with today?
Well, I do have a question. Just what type of lenses does one have to have if you're getting back in the game? I don't have a 24-85 or a 35mm just of yet
Anne A.
that 50mm is a great start!
that's a very sharp lens and it's great in lower light too.
Yes, my nifty fifty is great, even though it's a f1.8. I looked at a 1.4, but couldn't afford that just as yet
Anne A.
I have the 1.8. the 1.4 is a tiny bit sharper, but I couldn't justify the cost difference myself.
Well that's true. I read that a 1.4 is possibly a 1/2 stop better, but having a 1.8 would work just as good.
Anne A.
yes. it does open a little wider ,but overall, the f1.8 is a great lens itself
Well, I'm satisfied. How bout you? You take and I'll chat with you later.
Anne A.
sounds good :-)
Thanks for chatting! Remember if you have any additional questions? please do not hesitate to come back. Thanks for shopping at Adorama!
good night:-)
Anne A.
Customer Rating:
Needler: 10
Experience: 10
Feedback: Anne was very knowledgeable. And she gave me a perspective from a Pro's eye. Great conversation.