Which battery and compact flash card work on a used Nikon D200?

Aaron A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Certified Audio Engineer of 4-years! I live to create beautifully visual & audible projects one masterpiece at a time!


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Shopper conversation with Aaron A. on July 01, 2016

Aaron A.
Greetings! I am Aaron & I see you're taking a look at some Nikons! Now, will this maybe for any special projects coming up? How can I assist? :-)
Hello Aaron, No. Just for casual.
Aaron A.
You got it!
I would like to know if this needs a battery?
Aaron A.
Was there a specific model?
I'm looking at the used Nikon D200
..and probably a memory card?
Aaron A.
Alrighty! Just trying to pull up the d200
I'm not seeing a D200, as they are no longer sold...
Would you happen to have an SKU or link I could preview? :-)
Right. It is used. In the used section.
SKU: US 796402 MFR: 25235
Aaron A.
Thank you!
Just for quick access:
And for a memory card:
You can find the Kingston memory card in your Ideas Tray in your chat box :-)