Which replacement battery and battery grip is recommended for my Canon 50d?

Aaron A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Certified Audio Engineer of 4-years! I live to create beautifully visual & audible projects one masterpiece at a time!


Aaron A. recommended

6 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Aaron A. on July 14, 2016

Aaron A.
Greetings! I am Aaron! How are you? :-) I see you're taking a look at a some great gear! Now, will this maybe for any special projects coming up? How can I assist? :-)
I need a replacment battery for my canon 50d.
Aaron A.
You got it!
Would love to assist!
I also need a ttl cord for the same camera
Aaron A.
Let me pull up some inventory and see what we got!
The 50d is discontinued It seems like all that is avaialbe are knockoff brands
Aaron A.
yeah, the batteries I'm locating are those such as these:
I started looking at battery grips...
Aaron A.
The battery I could locate is in your Ideas Tray for easy viewing :-)
idea tray?
Aaron A.
As well as another replacement battery in the Ideas Tray. :-)
If you look to the menu options
you'll see a lightbulb icon
that's your Ideas Tray
if it's a pop up I have that blocked
Aaron A.
shouldn't be a pop. It's a lightbulb icon that lets you see what I'm recommending...
whats the difference between 1390mAh and 1500?
whats the difference between 1390mAh and whats the difference between 1390mAh and 1500?
Aaron A.
Are you asking in general or were you comparing a certain battery you were wanting?
comparing batteries
Aaron A.
1500 mAh is higher
so the battery does last longer
for the milliamps
trying to compare the $19 to the $52
Aaron A.
1500 mAh battery will last longer
so the $19 one is better?
Aaron A.
it's basically like the size of the gas tank for a car. And this $19 battery would be better!
last question:
Aaron A.
I'm looking for a flash bracket for the 50D. I thought I found a reasonable circular shaped one ... but I can't seem to find it now
any you recommend?
Aaron A.
Like a flip flash bracket, correct?
sure..never searched with the word flip but I'm open
Aaron A.
No worries!
Let me send an example and you can confirm for me :-)
Ideas Tray will show this item
I searched flip flash..what's the difference between flip flash bracket and flash bracket?
the one I saw had a "C" shape to it. I think it was this website
Aaron A.
Flip flash by stroboframe is named this because of it's versatility with cameras. :-)
Still remains a flash bracket
And I'll see if I can locate a circular one!
thakns :-)
Aaron A.
Because it' circular, would you say it's a "rotating flash bracket?"
humm...i think so
no... just did a search
Aaron A.
Hmmm... Does it happen to circle the lens?
the grip is circular
Aaron A.
33% Off
Delta Flip Flash 35mm Camera Bracket I
Aaron A.
I sent a possilble bracket :-)
SOrt of like this but this one got bad reviews
I don't even know what the one you sent me one is for!
Aaron A.
It's another bracket option for cams. As with the other one you had mentioned... I was just seeing if it was possibly the one you were seeking...
My apologies.
Top Rated Gear
Adorama C Shaped Adjustable Bracket with two Shoes
(9 reviews)

like this but with one shoe
Aaron A.
pulling up now
And if you don't mind me asking, did you have a budget in mind that you would like to stay within?
$70 or less
is there one like this:
Custom Brackets : Picture 1 thumbnail Custom Brackets : Picture 2 thumbnail Custom Brackets : Picture 3 thumbnail Custom Brackets : Picture 4 thumbnail Custom Brackets : Picture 5 thumbnail
Last Viewed 2 hours ago
Top Rated Gear
Custom Brackets Folding-S Short Camera Bracket for Short Digital and 35mm Film Cameras or Cameras without a Power Grip.
in which the braket for the flash can extend?
Aaron A.
In regards to the one you sent, are you wondering if it extends?
yes or if there is one like it that extends..
I want the flash to be further from the camera
Aaron A.
You got it!
Let me pull up the specs!
Aaron A.
Alrighty, so the length is adjustable!
Ok aaron- If you can suggest a ttl cord for the canon 50d...
Aaron A.
ok im back
Aaron A.
In your Ideas Tray, you can view the TTL cord
are there any knock off brands that would work as well?
Aaron A.
The Vivitar in your Ideas Tray is actually the cheapest one in stock :-)
ok thanks
Aaron A.
the ttl is fully stocked.
Thought I'd relay that info to ya!
got it in my cart..
the bracket has free shipping...will the (2) batteries and ttl cord be included in the shipping deal?
Aaron A.
ok thanks
Aaron A.
Oh my gosh, absolutely! Anything else I can assist with today?