What video camera is good for online talk shows and vlogging?

Elizabeth S.
Provideo Expert

Photographer for 10+ years. Studied editing and photography in college. #technology #artlover #Adorama


Elizabeth S. recommended

2 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Elizabeth S. on August 19, 2016

Elizabeth S.
Hi! I'm Liz! How are you? I see you are interested in Canon can I answer any questions for you?
liz im looking for a camera for a internet talk show and a camera for blogging. is there one camera that can accomplish both
Elizabeth S.
Sure, will you be shooting on the go or generally sit down?
Elizabeth S.
Do you have a budget in mind?
mid range
Elizabeth S.
Well quality wise I would suggest:
so this one will accomplish the internet show and vloging?
Elizabeth S.
Yes and give you great quality!
wow i need 3
Elizabeth S.
What do you mean 3?
i was just saying i need to order 3 for the talk show. Anything a liittle bit cheaper
Elizabeth S.
Let me take a look.
You could go with that one.
is it a big difference in quality?
Elizabeth S.
It is still HD but not 4K. It will work but if you ever expand or change direction you may need to change out equipment.
Elizabeth S.
Sure! Do you have any other questions?
that's all
Elizabeth S.
Have an awesome day :-)