Which cameras take high quality video and still photos for web usage?

Aaron A.
ProVideo Expert

Certified Audio Engineer of 4-years! I live to create beautifully visual & audible projects one masterpiece at a time!


Aaron A. recommended

3 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Aaron A. on June 20, 2016

Aaron A.
Greetings! I am Aaron & I see you're taking a look at a great piece of gear! Will this be for anything specific? Or maybe for any special projects coming up? How can I assist? :-)
well I work for an executive search firm, and we're in the process of updating our video equipment
Aaron A.
Great! Well I'd love to help ya today! What were your current camera needs for your firm? :-)
We'd like to find a high quality camera to be used primarily for videos (filming panel discussions and training videos) but also taking pro quality photos of new associates to post on the website
we're currently using the Panasonic lumix gx7
So anything in that price/quality range would be great
and the president would also like a teleprompter. I'm sold on this caddie buddy thing I found a few days ago. It's 150 bucks and it works with iPad
But they'd still like to see some options for "top prompters" (though I doubt we'll actually be purchasing them)
Aaron A.
You got it! :-)
So, for the video camera, would you still want a more photo based camera that accompanies high digital & sound quality?
Reason I mention this is because what I love, is a primarily photo based camera that you can utilize for video; as well.
Well since our primary needs are for video, we'd like something with more of a focus on video
Aaron A.
If you'll give me a moment here, I will sift through inventory and see if I can bring up some quick options for ya :-)
sure. and if this helps, I already spoke with an adorama sales rep and he suggested the following skus
Aaron A.
You actually just beat me to it!
an the sofdrax53ba
Aaron A.
the first SKU is a great option because you're getting a new camera and all the accommodating audio equipment as well.
is it good against white noise
because our main conference room's ac gets pretty loud at times
we've got mics in there, so that sort of helps to remedy the problem
Aaron A.
Absolutely! I've gotten so many inquiries about this camera. Great quality and has been hugely in demand this week.
And what's great about the sound,
if you take a quick look at that Sony bundle, the mics included with it have a feature that has Auto Wind Noise Reduction and Premium Closer Voice make it even easier to attain ideal sound quality in various situations
Aaron A.
If you take a quick look at your ideas Tray, you can quickly click this item to view it. :-)
And I'm pulling up the SKU, now :-)
Would you maybe want to go the "bundle" route; that way your camera equipment collection is completely new?
yeah. so long as we'll actually use the included accessories
Aaron A.
Oh, absolutely!
Now, if we break it down by possible bundles,
Would you maybe want a bag/caddie for your equipment for easy transporting between projects? :-)
Aaron A.
Awesome! Okay, so with that in mind, for the first bundle in your Ideas Tray, that would be a perfect fit;
as you would get all new equipment, including microphones; which is great for sit downs
And interview projects as well.
But what's great with that bundle, is you'll receive backup gear as well.
Which would include:
64GB Class 10 Card
Video Bag
Spare Battey
Spare Charger
Audio-Technica Pro-24CM Stereo Microphone with Shoe Mount
so what separates this camera from the other skus I listed?
like, why is this the best one?
Aaron A.
If you compare the 3 SKU's - in short - the bundles are smaller.
The Sony camera, however between all 3 - have exceptional quality.
I've had even production companies want to use them for their own social media platforms, creative projects and what have you. :-)
And in particular with this Sony camera, it is a beast.
Especially in the arena of quality.
for SKU sofdrax33b, it is a great quality camera, however would lack (honestly, on a small level) the quality the 4k Ultra HD delivers for SKU SOFDRAX100BE
So, really, it would boil down to what your true needs are.. If you would like to completely refresh your company's cameras & gear, SKU SOFDRAX100BE would be your best option. :-)
Aaron A.
If you take a quick look at the second bundle in your Ideas Tray, you can access sku SOFDRAX33B.
I think if you didn't need a huge gear "refresher," this bundle would suit as well.
As mentioned, because of the minor difference in "quality" for this Sony [bundle], you would still get an exceptional camera, a little bit of audio gear and carrying case. :-)
And extra back SD memory. :-)
Aaron A.
Both equipped w/ noise cancelling; as I know that was a concern.
why is it half the price of the first one?
is it because it doesn't have the 4k thing?
Aaron A.
The camera's are different.. In the first bundle, it's a "creme de la creme" of cameras for these Sony cameras.
And is also the biggest bundle.
Again, the quality is still there and the reviews have been impeccable. And if you don't truly need "move-like" quality for what's needed, the AX33 bundle is a great way to go for simple, but high quality needs and uses. :-)
..especially for a corporate setting.
ok. so what's the difference between the ax33 and the ax53?
is the ax53 better?
Aaron A.
That is a great camera; as well! Again, 4k quality all the way (which you cannot beat), PLUS the bundles are different.
For example, you also get the cleaning kit, as well.
Bundles are always going to adjust in price in regards to how much your receiving and how much that gear is worth within that bundle. :-)
All of which, are huge money savers based off what your needs are going to be. :-)
And sometimes, depending on the product, you can actually "build a bundle" to your liking.
And with that last bundle, you wouldn't get any audio accessories, unfortunately..
awww. ok
Aaron A.
Would you like some help with tele-prompters as well? :-)
yes! definitely
Aaron A.
Did you have a size in mind for the prompter? :-)
haha. not really sure. just something that's compatible with the selected
Aaron A.
Alrighty! And budget in mind? If you don't mind me asking..
well I saw the 150 caddie buddy for ipad
Aaron A.
You got it!
Let me take a quick look!
we're probably gonna go with that option, but they'd like to see a "great quality" prompter
Aaron A.
You got it! Now, were you just wanting the rig to hold the iPad/tablet?
Or were you needing a full teleprompter set? :-)
uhh... not sure. a "full set" makes me think of the bruce almighty movie
Aaron A.
If you're thinking in those terms, then you would be correct haha
would a "full set" still need to hook up to a laptop/computer?
because I think that would be more of what we're looking for
Aaron A.
You got it!
If you take a look at your Ideas Tray,
you will see the first "full set" prompter option.
Aaron A.
This prompter kit will include everything to set up a full tablet based teleprompt system :-)
Great reviews from other consumers online, as well!
ok, one last thing
Aaron A.
Sure! :-)
I'd mentioned before that we're using the Panasonic lumix gx7
And you seemed pretty excited about cameras for mainly photos with good video
that being said, can you suggest a "step up" from the gx7. Something similar, but better
and still in that general price range.
Aaron A.
Let me pull up that camera really quick!
And see what I can drum up.
I think it'd be a great option; so we can maybe see about that as well!
One moment :-)
yeah. I'm going to have to "present" these options to the COO and Marketing director, so I feel like between the ax100, other 2 options, a quality projector, an affordable projector, and a step up on what they already have, it'll be a good spectrum of options
Aaron A.
If you take a quick click of that link,
You would find the Panasonic option.
The reason I chose this bundle
Is because it's absolutely perfect for high quality photos AND offers 4k video shooting options.
It is the same price as the other panasonic w/out the bundle, so this is a deal
because you get the camera AND free accessories w/ this bundle..
What's great, is it's one of the most recommended cameras for the 2016 year online :-)
right. so the primary difference (aside from the accessories) is the 4k, right?
Aaron A.
The cameras are the exact same; there's just a promotional bundle right now that offers free accessories.
...for the same price. :-)
oh! so this and the gx7 are the exact same price?
Aaron A.
Sorry. I thought we were talking about this camera I had linked you. Haha.
It's more on the price scale, but a step up from the gx7 you guys originally bought and have. :-)
So, it's one of the newest cameras.
ok. specifically, how is it better?
more MPs? better lowlight, etc. what specific features make it better than what we have now?
Aaron A.
Quality has been upgraded for this new Lumix. Sound is exceptional and the video clarity, as well as footage is exceptional.
And I'm also pulling one more option up from Sony, as well.
Aaron A.
If you take a quick click of that link, as well, you will find this great Sony Camera option.
Now, this camera WILL be around the same price range of the gx7
hmm...not sure if they'll be satisfied with the price
they may thing that it's not enough of an "upgrade"
Aaron A.
In that case, I would definitely take the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ1000 Digital Camera
Not only are you getting an upgraded free bundle, but the camera is drastically upgraded.
Again, exceptional camera for photos AND video.
ok. this all sounds great!
Aaron A.
Anything else I can do to assist today? :-)
I hope this info was helpful!
EXTREMELY! thanks for going far above and beyond
I know that the "higher ups" here are really gonna be impressed by these reccomendations
Aaron A.
Absolutely! It's been a pleasure!
Gotcha. Well I'll be sharing these recc's day after tomorrow. And once they're set on a purchase decision, they tend to move quickly
Aaron A.
No problem!
If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask via chat. :-)
Aaron A.
My pleasure! :-)
oh! sorry. could you tell me about the canon vixia hf g40?
how does that compare with those other sony models?
Aaron A.
Let me pull that up!
I love Canon.
Fabulous, fabulous brand for all things photography in my opinion.
Not to mention, Canon's items last and last if you treat them well.
Only thing is video quality is shot in 1080p
Not a huge deal breaker, honestly because the world hasn't even converted to 4k resolution.
But man, you can really see the difference.
I've used Canon my whole life and it is my GO-TO for photography and some little video based projects, as well.
haha. ok
so...could you pull up that sku from your site?
Aaron A.
In this link, again you'll see another bundle option.
Great camera w/ all new accessories to refresh your camera system :-)
the lens on it looks really impressive
Aaron A.
As mentioned in the specs as well, the lens is a High Definition Optical Zoom lens and a new, highly sensitive HD CMOS Pro Image Sensor with improved low-light performance
So, it's going to adjust beautifully in any lighting situation.
And because Canon is great, you get that bonus in versatility and high image quality. :-)
As well as sound!