How can I add a lens cap to the Olympus Tough TG-4 waterproof camera?

Jackie L.
CamerasLenses Expert

Welcome! I'm Jackie, product and portrait photographer for 10+ years with education in photography/ design. Let's chat!


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Shopper conversation with Jackie L. on July 28, 2016

Jackie L.
Are you shopping for a lens cap today? How may I help?
I bought the olympus tough tg4 but it didn't come with a lens cap/cover. There are a few lenses that I want to buy, and I have a couple of questions regarding the difference between the telephoto and teleconverter lens, too, but
Jackie L.
ok, what lens was with the camera?
Strange it didn't have a lens cap, they are supposed to have one
How can I help on the lenses?
it is a receding lens, it doesn't come with a lens cap
so I can't cover it? How can I protect it during transport etc?
Jackie L.
you can use this conversion lens adapter and add a lens cap to that
the camera should have a closing iris built into the lens that closes when the camera is off
that is normal for a point and shoot with retracting lens
hm....I don't know what a "closing iris" is, but nothing covers the lens when the camera is off.
Jackie L.
It is inside of the lens and closes when the camera is off. It doesn't cover the glass though.
Acutally the glass you see is the waterproof cover that protects the lens
oh, so what if something happens to that glass? is it replaceable?
Jackie L.
It will be covered under the 1 year Olympus warranty
and they could repair it for you
Ok, well I'll get that converter anyway, so I don't have to worry about it. Will I need an additional converter for the other lens options? Macro, telephoto etc?
Jackie L.
Ok, you could add filters or a lens cap to that as well as conversion lenses, so it would be a plus for you
you would use the screw on conversion lenses with the adapter
here is teh teleconverter lens for you
and includes the adapter ring
so is that a different adapter ring or the same one that the lens cover would attach to?
Jackie L.
same one, just included with the telephoto lens you see
and that has a lens cap as well
I see! That's great, thank you!
Does olympus sell any of the colored filters?
Jackie L.
You're welcome
you can use regulear screw on filters with teh adapter
Ok, cool
Jackie L.
let me see what size it takes
any 45mm filter will fit
let me get you a link to filters
hahaha, I'm so glad you popped up onto my screen. I learned quite a bit in just a couple of seconds :-)
Jackie L.
Happy to help :-)
Obviously, I don't know much about cameras, but I love taking pictures. I bought this camera without knowing much and am now wading through all the info that is mostly greek to me a little at a time. I appreciate all your help
Jackie L.
it is basically a point and shoot camera, but a good one
lots of available accessories
Yes, but it also offers RAW shooting? and it talks about manually adjusting the.....aperture? I don't know what any of that is, but I will at some point soon
Jackie L.
You will love it
great camera
thank you :-)
What's the difference between teleconverter and telephoto?
Jackie L.
A telephoto lens is a lens that has a long zoom range
a teleconverter (for your camera) is a screw on filter that allowes you to have more zoom on your camera
Ooooohhhh, I see. Thank you :-)
Thanks so much!