How does the 7dmark II compare to the 5d mark III?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on August 02, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at the Canon 7D Mark II?
Did you have some questions about this camera today?
yes. i'm going to purchase in the very near future either a 5dmark111 or 7d mark 11. what is the difference between them? i know the 5 is a full frame but don't know about the 7.
Courtney B
The 7D is a crop sensor camera
The 7D is built more for speed and allowing you the extra crop factor from your lenses
The 5D Mark III does better at high ISO's
what does crop factor mean in layman terms
Courtney B
It means that you would get 1.6x the focal length listed on the lens
So for example, a 200mm lens would actually be 320mm
Which is a great way to be able to get extra reach from a telephoto lens
is that the only big difference? i shoot a 60d now and love it.
Courtney B
Yes, that's the biggest difference
What types of things do you shoot?
i shoot a little of everything and have no problems with the 1.6. does canon make a 25-100 in a 2.5?
Courtney B
No, the closest would be a 24-105mm f/4 lens
Or 24-70mm f/2.8
off hand, a ball park price on the 24-70?
Courtney B
That one is $1799
thank you, courtney. appreciate your help.
Courtney B
You're very welcome!
Make sure to stop back in chat if you have any further questions, ok?
Courtney B