Is the Canon EOS T6i a good beginner YouTube video camera?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


Daniel H. recommended

2 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on August 02, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! I'm Dan. How are you? Did you have a question on the camera?
Or a question on dslr equipment?
Is this a good camera great for like beginners??
Daniel H.
the t6i is a great entry level camera
and the package you are looking at has most everything you would need to begin with
about the only thing Id add would be a tripod or monopod
what kind of photos or video do you plan to take?
More so videos for youtube
Daniel H.
how long do you plan to shoot a take at a time?
I mean are you planning to do a few minutes here and there to edit together.. or do you need to record more than 20 minutes at a time?
I would definatly recommend a tripod so you can have hands off on camera if you do not have one already.
okay dsrs are a great alternative to cinema cameras.. they just will turn off automatically after 20 min typically as they will overheat due to sensor etc and being made primarily for photog.
But many shots edited are 5 sec to 30 sec anyway so unless you are recording a seminar and only have one camera .. you should be okay
Yeah do plan to do parts here and there
Daniel H.
excellent.. those that plan to record lots of seminar I recommend something like an XA10 or 20 or 30.. but they lose the ability to use a variety of lenses.. and depth of field options
to have best of both worlds you need to spend $2 k or more plus the same on some lenses getting a Canon c100 cinema camera.. but if you can do 20 minutes or less something like this would be my number one suggestion!
Ok thanks
Daniel H.
welcome! I started video with something like the xa10 and wished I started with a dslr.. sadly when I bought my nikon years prior I bought the last non video one they made.. didn't think to try and trade in and buy a d80 or d90 at the time.. glad to pass on my expereince and thoughts!
did you need help looking at tripods?
Yes do you know where they sell mini tripods
Daniel H.
I believe we have some.. like table top ones?
Daniel H.
be sure to get one that will support about 4 pounds
so you can use cam, lens and rode mic
also I love rode mics very much have 4 of them (various)
the Silk looks to be a good value
my first tripod I bought was a silk.. back in 1990.. the handle to rise head broke but other than that I use it to this day (as a secondary tripod for a slider.. now that I have fancier primary)
Thanks for all these tips i will sure be back if i have more questions
Daniel H.
that is the table top silk tripod
Can you send pi of the silk tripod
Daniel H.
the head would be something you could replace and get a fluid head (probably 40 bucks alone on that) when you want something smoother
above I just posted link
Ok thanks for the help bye
Daniel H.
okay have a great day!