Is the Nikon d750 a good camera for an amateur looking to get more serious about photography?

Cory R.
CamerasLenses Expert

Put a point and shoot to a DSLR in my hand and I'm ready to shoot almost anything!


Cory R. recommended

1 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Cory R. on July 24, 2016

Cory R.
Hi, welcome to Adorama! My name is Cory. Do you have camera questions? Or how about questions on a lens?How can I help you today?
I'm thinking about buying a camera. I am considering the Nikon d750, though would also consider good midrange dslr cameras. Debating between highly rated good quality camera like 750 vs something more simple.
Cory R.
Ok. So you aren't sure if you want a DSLR or a point and shoot style camera?
I am an amateur looking to get more serious about photography. I already have a point and shoot.
Cory R.
Ok. So more of the DSLR style then?
My research group uses a Canon 7D. I want to get a high quality camera for myself
Again, I see that the Nikon d750 is very highly rated.
Cory R.
Yes it is, it's a great camera
Is the 24-120 lens the one that comes with the camera? Is that a good one to start with?
Cory R.
Yes the 24-120mm is the one that comes with it, and it's a good all around versatile lens
I noticed you have different bundles.
Cory R.
Yes we do
You think the premium kit is worth getting, vs the base model with "free accessories"? What would you recommend for extra batteries and back up memory cards?
Cory R.
I think the remote added and the battery and memory are useable. But for backup memory cards getting at least 64gb is definitely needed
And battery the green extremes are just as good as nikon brand
green extremes i order separately right? or is that in bundle?
Cory R.
Separately, if you want more than the extra that is in the bundle
anything else you would recommend as good to get in purchase? to get set up?
Cory R.
Not really, for a first setup, that's a pretty good start
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