What can I use to clean the sensor on a Canon 1DX, Canon 7D Mark II, and Canon 5D Mark III?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


Courtney B recommended

3 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Courtney B on August 02, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at the Delkin SensorScope?
Did you have some questions about this product today?
What do you recommend, for a Canon 1DX and the 7DII and the 5D Mark III?
What sensor swabs and what sensor cleaning solution?
Courtney B
Are you trying to clean your sensor?
Let me see what we have
Also i noticed a variety of sensor scopes. Which is the best at detecting dust?
How good is the delkin sensorscope?
Courtney B
The Delkin Sensor Scopes are one of our most popular options to check sensors
They're very good for that purpose
how about the sensor swabs and cleaning solution? I noticed Adorama has several to choose from?
Courtney B
I'm still bringing those up
Sorry for the delay
This is one of our most popular options
Visible Dust is also a top seller
This would be the full frame size from Visible Dust
What cleaning solution?
Courtney B
These have the solution built in
I believe I will read up on them and order from y'all tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendations.
Courtney B
Ok! You're very welcome!