What dSLR camera is good for school yearbook photography?

James S.
Cameraslenses Expert

Musician, photographer that's been playing and snapping for 10 years! These are my two greatest passions! Let's chat!


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Shopper conversation with James S. on August 18, 2016

James S.
Hi there! How are you? I'm James. Do you have any questions about cameras? Or how about questions pertaining to lenses? How can I help you today?
I'm a middle school administrator. I need to track down some good deals to stock my yearbook/photography staff with a few cameras...preferably Nikon.
Any recommendations for equipment?
James S.
Well, that entirely depends on your budget. DSLRs vary pretty drastically.
I understand that. I'm thinking about $1,500.
James S.
Alright, so $1500 total. How many cameras did you need?
What I can obtain, including lenses, sd cards, bags, and a couple of tripods, etc.
James S.
Alright, you can probably get by with a kit lens for each, so we can find you something that bundles.
How about 1 or 2 small zooms i.e. 200 mm
James S.
Those will run a couple hundred each, so we might be able to do a couple cameras with those lenses.
James S.
I'll show you a Canon and a Nikon, just for options.
I think the Canon is a better deal though.
What's your preference and why?
i.e. canon vs nikon
James S.
Canon's are better for first-time users generally. They're a little easier to use. On the high end of cameras I actually prefer Nikon, but low end, I'm definitely a Canon guy.
In the case of these two cameras, the canon is "Open Box" and the Nikon is "Refurbished". The Open Box is a better deal. It's $209 off the original price bringing the single camera with 18-55mm lens down to $339.95. The Nikon on the other hand is $90 off the original, bringing it to the same price of $339.95.
It's quite literally the cheapest option for DSLRs with a lens that we offer, and since the Canon is a better camera overall I recommend going with that. :-)
Alright. Thanks for your help. It'll give me something to think about tonight and deal with tomorrow. Thanks!
James S.
Okay, I'm glad I could help! Good luck with everything. :-)