what is a good point and shoot camera for macro photography?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


Anne A. recommended

1 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Anne A. on July 04, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. How can I help you?
Hi! Are you shopping for a camera today?
yea, looking for best, least expensive macro
any suggestions?
Anne A.
Are you looking for a camera? or a lens to use with a camera?
Anne A.
do you have a brand preference?
not really
Anne A.
ok. just aminute
I should say, digital cam with the best macro feature
Anne A.
what price range are you looking at?
ARe there any features besides macro that you're looking for?
best all-around features.
Anne A.
best bang for the buck
Anne A.
this camera is great for macro shots because of the led lights that surround the lens. www.adorama.com/ircwg5or.html
why would you say this might be the one?
Anne A.
this one is very good for shooting macro
what do u mean, the red lights surrounding the lens?
Anne A.
there's led lights (the little white dots) surrounding the lens. with that, you won't have strange shadows in macro shots from the built in flash when you're really close to your subject
for a great all around camera, this is a good choice -
it has gps, too?
Anne A.
It's a very small, rugged camera
sounds good, haven't seen this cam in my searches till u pointed it out, looks like it will fit the bill! tks
Anne A.
you're welcome!
Do you have any more questions? Or is there anything else I can help you with today?
nope, tks!
Anne A.
have a great 4th!
Thanks for chatting! Remember if you have any additional questions? please do not hesitate to come back. Thanks for shopping at Adorama!
you as well!
Anne A.
you made a sale today, good job!
Anne A.
thanks! Enjoy your new camear!
Feel free to leave the chat window open during checkout. I'll be happy to stand by to make sure the transaction runs smoothly and answer any questions? Thanks!