What is the difference between the Canon EOS T5i and T6i?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on June 14, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at the Canon T5?
Did you have some questions about this camera tonight?
just seems like a good deal..Im amateur using borrowed D70s...shot fair amount off and on thru years. can use photoshop etc..recreation..outdoors, family party shots etc.. good model for me?
Courtney B
This is a fantastic camera at a great price
what is next step up and key differences?
Courtney B
The next step up would be the T5i or T6i
The key differences include:
a touch screen that flips out, external mic jack, faster shooting, more focus points, a larger viewfinder, a self cleaning sensor, and higher boost ISO
is the E ok in low light...rock bands?
Courtney B
What do you mean by E?
the 5 EF offered
Courtney B
The T5. Ok! Yes, that camera is pretty good in low light if it's used with a good lens for that type of situation
ah...need better than those included? how much wd a low light zoom run?
Courtney B
You can get a good option for a little more than $100. But it won't zoom very far
Will you be standing far away?
probably not...just rather crop live
Courtney B
The 50mm f/1.8 is great in low light. But it's set at 50mm. So I'm not sure how that would work out for you
I cd worry about that later. ext mic jack probably better than onboard mic..i have good mics...video same for 5 and 5i?
Courtney B
Video is very similar between the two
im gonna take a quick look at 5i deals u have
Courtney B
Sounds good!
yes thx
Courtney B
Great! You're welcome