What is the difference between the GoPro Hero4 Silver camera and the GoPro Hero4 Black action camera?

Aaron A.
ProVideo Expert

Certified Audio Engineer of 4-years! I live to create beautifully visual & audible projects one masterpiece at a time!


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Shopper conversation with Aaron A. on June 17, 2016

Aaron A.
Greetings! I am Aaron & I see you're taking a look at one of some our amazing pieces of gear! Will this be for anything specific? Or maybe for any special projects coming up? How can I assist? :-)
I'm considering a GoPro and can't decide between the different Hero models
Aaron A.
Would love to assist!
To start,
if you don't mind me asking, was there a budget you were wanting to stay within?
Aaron A.
You got it!
If you'll bear with me, I'll take a quick look at some options for ya.
Aaron A.
So, I'm not sure if you got to take a look at it already but the gopro black is a top seller and MOST well received of the Hero series.
You will find the direct item link in your Ideas Tray as a quick reference. :-)
It films at a 4k resolution
Which is absolutely phenomenal
The second option would be under your budget, but still highly recommended among GoPro users
And that is the Hero4 Silver
however, it only shoots in 1080p
What is the difference between the two
Aaron A.
If you take a quick look at the link, you will see the silver shoots at still a great 1080p
However, with the GoPro Hero4 Black, you will get that movie like quality from start to finish
at the highest resolution of 4k
Is 4k really necessary? Is it still too early?
Aaron A.
It honestly depends on what your level of use is
Experts or enthusiast will easily take the highest quality of 4k
However, if you still want great quality but don't need "the BEST" of the best of camera resolution(s), then the Hero Silver is a sheer win as well. Can't go wrong.
Most screens don't support 4k yet do they?
Aaron A.
I've heard no such issues w/ compatibility w/ screens up until this point.
I run 4k on all my recording electronics and play them just fine in my home
I went to school for audio engineering and visual editing, so I'm pretty particular myself and what I can use haha
So which one would you go with?
Aaron A.
To answer fairly, if I was a pro/enthusiast/expert, hands down the Hero4 Black.
Especially if I'm passionate about using it and showcasing.
If it's for leisure, I would easily take the Hero4 Silver because I'm still gonna get great quality to work with and showcase. :-)
And because we are rapidly moving into a 4k world, I would get a head start on buying 4k based electronics. :-)
1080 is still good enough for broadcast right? I'm thinking of adding arial photography to my business.
Aaron A.
Would these visuals be used primarily for like a business website? :-)
Yes, probably.
Aaron A.
Silver would be perfect then.
I just finished a project for a fashion organization and filmed in nothing but 1080p. :-)
AND played it on large venue monitors. It was really good for it being 1080p.
What's the difference in price?
Aaron A.
$100 to be exact. :-)
If you click in your Ideas Tray,
I did put the Silver Hero for easy access :-)
Ok $100 is no big deal. I'll take a look at them. Thanks.
Aaron A.
It's been a pleasure! Anything else I can assist w/ today? :-)
No, that is all. Thank you very much.
Aaron A.
You got it!
If you need any help w/ other items or the checkout process, I will be available here via chat. :-)
Thank you.
Aaron A.