What is the difference between the Olympus OMD EM1 vs the OMD EM5 Mark II?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


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Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on July 04, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! How are you?
Did you have a camera question I could assist with?
may i ask what the difference between the omd e1 vs the omd mark II?!?
Daniel H.
you mean omd em5 mark ii?
also...is there a model below the flagship cameras?!?...olympus has too many cameras that are too similar...thank you for your time
Daniel H.
okay -- wanting to verify we're looking at the right models
if you have larger hands you may appreciate the larger grip size on the em1
om d e m1 vs OM-D E-M5
Daniel H.
the em1 has a larger buffer allowing it to take more pictures fast
ps...your time is greatly appreciated
Daniel H.
however a lot of people like the mark ii's enhanced image stabilization
and fully articulated screen (I love articulated screens myself)
the mark ii also has a silent shutter and an enhanced 40mpix mode
did you have any older four thirds lenses?
lastly...i have noticed a slight price reduction...is another model coming soon which may make a noticeable price reduction possible?!?
yes...i have an epl1...4 lenses already...love the format/compactness...H8 the epl1
Daniel H.
I am not aware of any models coming out in the immediate future.. though I am a brand advocate.. I don't have inside knowledge someone from adorama or olympus may have
okay -- the em1 has better compatibility with older lenses if that influences you
issues with compatibility with the mark II?!?
Daniel H.
it looks like the mark ii isn't compatible with as many of the older four thirds lenses
your help and insight is appreciated...have a greay 4th.
Daniel H.
were there any other questions I could help with?
thank you! I hope you have a great holiday as well!