What point and shoot has a lens with great f stop?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


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Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on June 14, 2016

hi what's the f stop on this camera lens?
Daniel H.
I see you were looking at the Lumix too. I have a Lumix model myself and enjoy its versitility.
Yes, one moment while I look that up for you.
The aperture range is f 2.8 to 4.0
What other questions about the camera may I help you out with?
I was also looking at the nikon p900 how do these two compare
which one do you think is better?
my DSLR is nikon
but i want something with good image quality thats more compact
Daniel H.
ahh understanable..
yes.. you have to love the quality of a dslr but they are a bit bulkier than other options.. okay examining these two
The Nikon weights a bit more
and is slightly larger than the Lumix
the shots per second on both is 7 sps
The Panasonic offers 4k video shooting?! if that is important (30 fps)
something the Nikon doesn't have.. which is only 1080p
I also have a sony RX100 III which I LOVE but there isn't much zoom on it
Daniel H.
the Nikon has a much larger focal range!
eq of 24-2000 for a 35mm DSLR
whereas the Panasonic is around 26-416 mm equiv 35mm though it varies based on what type of aids are used.
The ISO range is similar as well
So the Nikon is about 10% larger and weighs more but gives you 5 times as much zoom range
nikon is 83x optical whereas the Panasonic is 16 optical
since you've tried both which one would you say is better?
Daniel H.
That is a difficult call. Unless you want to use a hot shoe I'd say the Nikon has advantages in all categories you talked about.
While it is a bit larger the zoom will be something you'd miss on the Lumix
I havent gotten a chance to look at the sony rx100 iv yet how is that one
Daniel H.
yes.. that is more of a pocket cam era style
I am peaking at a Sony Cubershot DSC-RX100, right?
the newest one
Daniel H.
im not as familiar with that camera as the Nikon and Panasonic
but that would give you a much smaller footprint
the lens may be a big drawback though
it only has a 3.6 zoom
oh man the image quality is amazing
yeah the zoom is my only complaint
Daniel H.
I can imagine. Sony has great electronics
and they are establishing great branding in DSLRs too with their mirrorless
You certainly would have the most compact option there with that one
I always wanted to try mirrorles but kinda scared of it as well
Daniel H.
But I remember you telling me zoom range was important.. the struggle!
oh yes so a great f stop is imporatant
I'm a bokeh freak and I only see mirrorless as everything super sharp
Daniel H.
which I think you lead off from asking me
it takes art quality out of it for me
Daniel H.
understand totally
what f stop range do you usually work in?
Daniel H.
OK so I got some thinking to do
The struggle is real
Daniel H.
thanks for your help
Daniel H.
May I help you re3search any more?
Yes, it really looks like it is compactness vs zoom range issue.
if you're not busy lol maybe a lens?
Daniel H.
A lens for your Nikon?
I really REALLY want a 70-200 2.8 BUT they are SOOOO expensive
any alternative recommendations?
Daniel H.
okay -- putting my thinking cap on
thanks lol
Daniel H.
While not free.. this is a lens at roughtly 2/3 the cost. You lose a bit of the range as it is 80-200mm
it doesn't have the vibration reduction either
what about from tamron or the other one I can't think of the name lol
Daniel H.
I was just going to ask if you were interested in alternative brands like Sigma, Tamron, and Tokina
fun fun.. I get to shop with other peoples money ;-)
let me dig around some and see what is out there.. it is amazing how much new stuff comes out every few months
Sigma that's it
as long as it's good image quality that won't break me I don't care about the brand
Daniel H.
Let us start at the lowest priced one I can find.. this is a 70-200 2.8 has macro
Actually I had my eye on a tokina but it's a 11-28mm or something like that
Daniel H.
oh well 11-28 mm won't get you the telephoto :-)\
no lol
I know that
Daniel H.
I had a tokina 12-20 .. loved it
I want the telephoto FIRST
Daniel H.
I know you know! :-) Just conversating and being silly
I sold it when I switched to a newer camera that didn't have body af motor
need to pick myself the newer version of the lens
be sure you get the right tokina.. one is for newer cameras
this one?
Daniel H.
well that is the telephoto I wanted to show you
there is also a sigma
but it is pricier
would you like to look?
surev :-)
Daniel H.
it is 85% the cost of the Nikon
Daniel H.
but worth a peek
that shows 1399 but in the website it shows 1149
my catalog sometimes shows outdated prices.. typically without offers or rebates.. msrp
that sigma has a instant 250 rebate
I'm leaning more towards the tamron because of the price BUT I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not
Daniel H.
38 photographers gave it 4 out of 5 stars
the Nikon got 4.5 out of 5
The Sigma is slightly below the Nikon
Looks like some people have af issues with the Tamron.. suggesting it is a bit slower than they are used to
may not be super perfect for sports photo in af mode?
The price of that lens certainly weights in favor
You're welcome
enjoy the rest of your day
Daniel H.
Thank you!