What would you recommend as an alternate to the discontinued Pentax XG-1?

Cory R.
CamerasLenses Expert

Put a point and shoot to a DSLR in my hand and I'm ready to shoot almost anything!


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1 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Cory R. on July 14, 2016

Cory R.
Hi, welcome to Adorama! My name is Cory. Do you have camera questions? Or how about questions on a lens?How can I help you today?
Pentax XG-1 is it still available?
Cory R.
Unfortunately it's been discontinued
anything like it you recommend? A ultra zoom?
Cory R.
The Panasonic you are looking at is a good option, Nikon has the p900 if we had any refurbished, which is an ultrazoom, but they only produced it for a very short time. But the 25-600mm of the fz300 is going to be your best bet for the money.
Best bang for the ultra zoom buck?
Cory R.
Here is the p900
We do carry it again.
83x zoom is pretty great
Thanks let me look it over and I will come back. I have looked at the P900 and it is one of my favorite choices. Wow what a camera
Cory R.
83 is crazy
Cory R.
You can zoom across lake michigan
yea, I probably will go with that. I never have had tried a refurbished camera I am a little worried. What do you think?
Cory R.
I have used 2 refurbished with no issues
They are a great way to save a little cash
I am an engineer and we don't make a fortune so any savings is appreciated.
Cory R.
We have it refurbished which is about $90 off
As a coward I think I will spend the extra $90 so I don't worry. I am a worrier?
Cory R.
No you aren't a worrier at all. It's totally user preference there.
Thanks. I will navigate over to your P900 page and think it over.
Cory R.
You're welcome
Have a wonderful day
Cory R.
You as well
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Needler: 10
Experience: 10
Feedback: I think Cory R. is great