Which bridge camera with longer zoom range shots RAW format?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on August 05, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. Do you have questions about a camera? Or a lens? How can I help?
I see you're looking at cameras! Do you have questions I can help with today?
Hi Anne! I am trying to figure out my next camera. I have arthritis in my thumbs so don't something real heavy. My canon sx50 hs just died on me and was looking to see what would work for me.
Anne A.
Do you want the same long zoom like the sx50?
Yes, I did like that I didn't have to change lenses all the time but the sx 60 is not getting that good of reviews.
Anne A.
It has gotten pretty good reviews here, but there will always be some people not satisfied
do you want to stay with Canon?
True. I was initially looking on Canon's site and folks were talking about blurred and grainy pictures and is what I experienced before died.
Anne A.
did you get that at full zoom? or higher zoom?
even just the higher zoom. I was on the west coast and it was very foggy so I didn't know if it was from the moisture in the air/fog or the camera struggling.
Anne A.
It could have been the fog but a tripod could help that a lot too if it's a higher zoom
Ahhh. Thanks for that information. My husband and I are going to be going to the Grand Teton's in 6 weeks for the fall colors and animals. Any suggestions for what would work well there?
Anne A.
I would try a tripod, or even a monopod
that camera has a very long zoom and even the slightest movement will blur the image
Good idea. Do you have a suggestion for a camera?
Anne A.
sure! just a minute
this is another model with a very long zoom and it gets great reviews too
that one is refurbished, but it's available new too
Thank you for the suggestions. I have been looking at that one as well. It doesn't shoot raw though does it?
Anne A.
I'm sorry - the sx60 does shoot raw
Yeah, that is what wants to kick me to the canon because it does.
Anne A.
that is a nice option to have
the newer nikon DL cameras do shoot raw too, but they are still preorder and not expected until at least october
I saw that but with our trip on Sept. 19th, that wouldn't work, unfortunately. I appreciate your help. My husband is tapping his toe to go run some errands. Thanks for the chat and have a great day!
Anne A.
thanks! you too!
have a good day!
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