Which Nikon camera and lens are ideal for children's portrait photography?

Eric T.
CamerasLenses Expert

Semi-pro music composer 5+ years working on games & films! I also compete in short film competitions! #gamesound


Eric T. recommended

3 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Eric T. on July 12, 2016

Eric T.
Hello! my name is Eric how can I help?
do you have a lens question?
yes im a childrens phorographer interested in investing in a very good lens which one would you prefer
Eric T.
let me see
are you deciding between a few, or do you have a price range?
also which camera do you have?
im investing in that too
it depends on the lens
Eric T.
would you like some bundle reccomendations?
maybe or rather first a lens ...
Eric T.
This camera comes with a really great lens
is it as good as the 1.4 85 mm
Eric T.
they both have pros and cons
what are the pros on both
Eric T.
the 24-120 has a wider range
and cons
Eric T.
Nikon 85mm is mostly better though, in terms of f-stop and general glass quality
not by a huge margin though
what is the f-stop
Eric T.
bokeha dn smoothness
Eric T.
the 85mm doesnt have a bokeh I think
so which ine does?
Eric T.
the 24-120mm
cuz that's what I like most portraits with lots of bokeh
Eric T.
is one of the better features it has
well the Nikon 85mm does have a bokeh actually
but its not one of its advertised features, people buy the 24-120 for the bokeh specifically
does that make sense?
cuz I did ask around and I don't know why they told me that the 1.4 has the best bokeh
Eric T.
I dont think it will be bad by any stretch
very great lens and probably overall better than the 120mm
so do you think I should go with the 1.4 or not?
Eric T.
depends on price I think. if you want to save a little, the kit that comes with the 24-120 will save money
but the 1.4 is a better les
much better for portrait photograpgy
There is a neat lens comparison here:: http://www.kenrockwell.com/ni...
does that help?