Which point and shoot camera has high resolution, hd video and good zoom?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on July 18, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at cameras?
Did you have questions about any in particular tonight?
trying to decide betweeen a quality point and shoot and a slr. Can you recommend a good point and shoot. must have high mp, good zoom and hd video
Courtney B
Ok! Sure!
Are you looking for a more compact point and shoot?
Or is a larger bridge camera ok?
not familiar with term bridge camera.
Courtney B
Let me bring up an example!
The Panasonic FZ300 would be an excellent example of a bridge camera
It has 24x zoom, and excellent image and video quality! It can capture 4K video, which is the highest quality available
yes, this type camera. Have slight preference for Nikon. Saw one las tweek with 20mp and 40x zoom. only had 720 video
Courtney B
Let me see about that
I'm not seeing anything like that in stock right now
None of our current Nikon cameras have those types of specs
specs were approximate from memory. I'm looking to spend 300 to 700 dollars. got other suggestions
Courtney B
Ok! Sure!
The Nikon P900 is a great option!
Was the camera that you saw, possibly the new B700 available for preorder? http://www.adorama.com/inkcpb...
thyat might be one of the ones I looked at. might be too much zoom. Can it also take good pictures from 6 or 8 feet. How about video. I shhot mostly nature
Courtney B
Yes, it can absolutely take excellent photos from 6 or 8 feet
The zoom is there if you need it, but the image quality is great regardless
The video quality is also excellent
how many mps
Courtney B
I mean 1080, 720 or what
Courtney B
Sorry. I thought you meant MP
My mistake
It's 1080
My mistake , I said mp.
Courtney B
No problem! :-)
Now you have both specs! :-)
sounds very interesting. I will go back and click on the image for more info
Courtney B
Ok! Sounds great! :-)
Make sure to stop back in chat if you have any further questions, ok?
one more thing,, I see a add for a cannon power shot g7. price $699. can you comment on that one.
Courtney B
That one only has 4x zoom
So it's going to be very different
G7 x mark ll
Courtney B
Ok, yes
The difference in zoom is really significant
4x isn't going to offer you very much at all, but it's an excellent camera!
Yes, I see that now thanks . Again I will check further into p 900
Courtney B
Ok! Sounds great!
thanks for the help,, good bye
Courtney B
Bye! :-)