Which wireless camera remote has a range of 50 feet for my Canon 7d Mark II?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on July 11, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you today?
Do you have some questions about cameras? Or lenses?
I am interested in possibly getting a remote wireless shutter release and/or a battery grip for my Canon EOS 7d Mark II. Would you have any recommendations?
Courtney B
I would want a range of at least 50 feet for the shutter release.
Courtney B
Let me see what your options would be!
This Bower remote that you were looking at is definitely going to be your best option
Trying to find the range on it right now
Do you know what its range is? I did not see it listed.
Courtney B
It's not listed, but I'm checking now
What about the flashpoint wireless wave commander? Quite a bit more expensive at $79.95 than the Bower...do you know how it compares? It certainly has the range.
Courtney B
That one is an excellent option if you don't mind spending $79.95
That remote would absolutely give you what you're wanting!
Sorry, you'd actually need the 3 pin model here
Do you know what features it has that results in its higher price than the Bower?
Courtney B
This one has an intervalometer built into it
I am not familiar with that. What does it do?
Courtney B
An intervalometer will allow you to take a series of photos a certain length apart from one another
So for example, if you wanted to take 20 photos spread out over the course of a few minutes, you could program it to do that
You could take the photos shorter/faster as well. Or take more than 20 :-) That was just an example
It's really nice for time lapse, or I also use it a lot when I want to take a family photo and actually be IN the photo for once
That way we can take a bunch of photos and hopefully get one where we're all actually looking at the camera
That is a nice feature, but not sure it would be worth the extra cost. I will check it out. I like the family photo idea and being in the picture.
Courtney B
Make sure to stop back in chat if you have any further questions, ok?
I will check further on the two of them and also research the Bower for its range.
Courtney B
Ok! Great!
What about a battery grip? I see two that you have available.
Courtney B
Ok! Yes
We have Flashpoint or Canon brand
Flashpoint is Adorama's store brand of gear
It's a great option for a fraction of the price!
So you would recommend it? The price difference is certainly significant, and if it works as well as the Canon brand, then I would go with that one. Is there any significant difference between the two besides the price?
Courtney B
No, the differences are really minimal
I would say that the Canon is slightly more durable, but that's the only difference
The grip is slightly different from the Canon as well
But otherwise the functionality is the samle
Okay, thanks. While I am on chat with you, is there a tripod that you would recommend that is reasonably priced? I am thinking of one that could be used for things like fireworks, the night sky, nature, and maybe lightning storms.
Courtney B
Ok, sure!
What's your ideal price for the tripod?
Well, it I could get something within $100 would be nice, but I could go higher if I found one that was really good quality.
Courtney B
Do you have any particularly large lenses that it would need to hold?
I really like this one, which holds up to 6.6 pounds
That would support most larger lenses (other than the REALLY huge ones)
I have a Tamron 18-270, a Canon 70-200, and the biggest is a Sigma 150-600.
Courtney B
Then you'd be fine
Ok! You're very welcome! :-)
Have a great day!