Will the Pro Optic Pro Digital 40.5 Multi Coated UV filter fit the Olympus TG-4?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


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Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on July 04, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! How are you? I'm Dan
Hi Dan. I am good thanks. I'm Joseph
Daniel H.
hi Joseph!
I have a TG-4 and want to purchase this filter Pro Optic Pro Digital 40.5mm Multi Coated UV Ultra Violet Filter, Made in Japan. do you think it fix with my TG-4
Daniel H.
Did you have a lens question I could help with?
okay -- looking
I know i need a dapter as well. cla-t01
Daniel H.
that adapter should fit your tg-4 yes
how about the Pro Optic Pro Digital 40.5 mm filter? is it fix to the adapter and function with my TG-4?
the main reason I want to reduce the glare and haze when taking outdoor picture.
Daniel H.
that adapter fits 45mm and 40.5 mm filters.. so it should work with the pro optic as well
understandable and good choice on doing so!
did you already have the filter then?
no, i think i need to buy both adapter and filter for my need.
Daniel H.
okay-- understandable
did you need help looking for the filter?
i think i go for CLA-T01 adapter and Pro Optic Pro Digital 40.5mm Multi Coated UV Ultra Violet Filter. thanks.
Daniel H.
okay -- sounds perfect
did you have any other questions I could assist with?
that is all for today. thanks a lot for your help. Happy fourth of July.