How do I compare Nikon, Sigma, Tokina and Tamron lens brands?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


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Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on July 08, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! I'm Dan. How are you?
Did you have a Nikon question?
Or a question on lenses?
Qualitative comparison between the Nikon 105 macro(micro) lens with those of Sigma, Tokina and Tamron. Trade-offs, comments?
Your feedback would be useful before I purchase. Thanks!
Optics AND mechanics
My uses: photographing insects, macroinvertebrates
Daniel H.
Nikon is more expensive but the quality of the edges, color separation, and the ruggedness of the camera.. especially at lower f stops
the Sigma will likely have similar qualities to the Nikon but they often have a little softer edges..
Tomron and Tokina offer a great value for the price but their fit and finish, while improving, is not as high of a standard as the Nikon and Sigma... from the lenses I have used and tried.
That said I have a Tokina 11-16 that I love.. has a great clutch etc.
was that helpful?
Have you ever also used a teleconverter with a macro?
Would you also recommend the 1.4x. I do also have Kenko tubes
Daniel H.
I have only used one on an old F2AIS
okay -- so you have kenko tubes as well.. good
I have not used a teleconverter with my new dslr sadly
yes.. and I would say sigma and tamron and tokina are in a state of being more competative
Thank you! Summary: Optics - Nikon>Sigma>Tamron etc. Price: Tamron>Sigma>Nikon. Mechanics: Nikon>Sigma>Tamron etc. Correct?
Daniel H.
the sigma art lenses are beautiful and have the tech of a base that allows you to adjust autofocus
I would say your summary is correct
Is there a Sigma "art lens" that functions as a macro?
I vaguely remember there being a "sport" lens.
But it's very expensive, right?
Daniel H.
nods.. but a know a lot of my portrait photog friends use it and love love it
well it is pricier and can be right up there at if not slighly above comp nikon 50 or 85mm yes
let me check on marco.. never check on that before actually -- very good q..
was saying in general about how SIgma is raising bar of all lenses :-) but will check
becoming a brand leader too.. etc anyway one moment
OK, holding on!
The other issue is I've never had a problem reselling a Nikon lens
Daniel H.
not an inexpensive item.. )see discussion item)
Thank you! Have a great day, awesome feedback!
Daniel H.
okay -- great -- feel free to connect with us any time!
Thanks! Bye!
Customer Rating:
Needler: 10
Experience: 10
Feedback: Daniel H. was outstanding - competent, friendly, precise.