How do the Nikon 35mm and 50mm lens options compare on the Nikon D5100 camera?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on August 09, 2016

Anne A.
I see you're looking at a lens! Do you have questions I can help with today?
Hi I'm Vickie are you someone who can help me choose a lens
Anne A.
Yes I can!
what camera do you have?
Nikon D5100
I currently have an 18-55mm, 55-200 and 55-300mm
Anne A.
I just ordered and received a 35mm 1:1.8G from Adorama and am not very impressed. I did a comparison with the 35 and my 18-55 and think that I may have purchased the wrong lens.
I so some portrait, some wildlife and some landscape photography.
Anne A.
what about the 35mm didnt you like? that lens is much sharper than the 18-55 and the wider aperture can give better bokeh
I had read that it was sharper however the photos that I took do not reflect that. Maybe I need to do some more testing. If I could upload a couple of photos I could show you what I mean
Anne A.
we can't upload to the chat here, but that is a much sharper lens
what mode are you shooting in?
Anne A.
what aperture setting is it using?
Anne A.
it should be very sharp at f4
did you get the 35mm f1.8 DX lens?
I would have thought so too
Anne A.
are you comparing it to the same shot witht he 18-55?
Anne A.
it's really hard to say what is wrong.
even the 18-140 is a sharper lens than the 18-55
was it a landscape shot? it's very noticeable in portraits, but maybe not so much in landscape
I can try again with my tripod, no a small flower
Anne A.
the difference should be very noticeable. what shutter speed was used?
1/25 sec
the same shot with the 18-55 was 1/6 sec at f5
Anne A.
I would up the shutter speed
noramlly, you want to keep your shutter speed at least at the focal length - so 1/35 (i know that's not an option) or faster
I was looking to add a lens to improve my photography and I'm not sure if I chose the wrong lens. What lens do you think should be my next purchase.
Anne A.
in my opinion, the 35 is a great all around lens for a prime
for portraits, I like the 50mm
but it can get tight on the DX cameras
So what would you use the 35 for?
I had read that it was good for portrait and landscapes
In low light situations it is supposed to be a very good choice.
Anne A.
the 35 is good for portraits because it's sharp.
if you use more zoom, you get more compression of the background and facial features are generally more pleasing
If you use more zoom???
Anne A.
if you use a lens with a longer focal length
but with that, you need more room between you and your subject. so if you're in a smaller room, you might find yourself up against a wall a lot
I do prefer to do portrait photography outdoors.
Anne A.
the 50 is very good outdoors
I guess my main concern is did I spend my $200 wisely? Or should I have chosen something else? I do not have a lot to spend on equipment...yet.
Anne A.
did you buy the 35mm in the last 30 days?
Maybe I should return the 35 and get the 50? Yes I just received shipment today.
Anne A.
this is what I usually recommend -
the 35 and 50 are both great quality lenses and both very sharp
put your 18-55 on your camera
turn the zoom ring to about 35 and walk around and take some pictures without zooming in or out.
then do that same thing but at 50 (almost ful zoom on that lens)
see where you're more comfortable shooting and go with that len
that's a great idea. What is the return policy if I choose to exchange for the 50mm?
Anne A.
you can return it within 30 day from the purchase date
Also, if I decided that a wide angle lens would be a better purchase, which would you recommend?
Anne A.
an ultra wide lens?
I like the Tokina 11-16 f2.8 myself
Hmmm that may have to wait due to the cost. But I took a screen shot for future reference.
I can go $200 to 300 at this time.
Anne A.
let me check for more options
would you be interested in a used lens?
I got my 55-300mm from you all refurbished. Is it also refurbished?
Anne A.
refurbished is not the same as used
refurbs are checked over by NIkon
used items are bought or traded for new equipment, then rated according to the condition they are in
Oh. So I would want to look for something in very good or excellent condition
Is there a warranty?
Anne A.
if you go with a rating of E- or better, it has a 180 day warranty from Adorama
I would consider buying a lens under those circumstances.
Anne A.
this is a very wide lens -
it is manual focus though
Hmmm that would not be my first choice. Let me do the test that you suggested and go from there.
Anne A.
ok :-)
Thank you for all of your help and input.
Anne A.
you're welcome!
if you have any questions, click back in to chat!
OK you've been very helpful. Bye
Anne A.
have a good evening!