Is the Sony 10-18mm F/4 E-Mount lens good for landscapes?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on July 11, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at the Sony 18-105mm lens?
Did you have some questions about this lens tonight?
is this the gmaster lens from sony?
Courtney B
No, this is not a G Master lens
Here is a similar lens which is considered to be a GM lens
do you have the 10mm-18m
Courtney B
Let me see
Yes, we do
have you used this lens before?
Courtney B
I have! It's a really great option for a wide angle lens
These are the only two options that would be within your budget
okay cool, just got into landscape photos and i just have a 15-50 lens
Courtney B
The 10-18mm lens would definitely give you more of a dramatic wide angle view!
okay cool, would the rokinon 12mm be any good or do you think i should just save up and wait and get the sony 10-18
Courtney B
The Rokinon would also be really great! The biggest difference is that the Rokinon would have a better aperture, but it's manual focus
so with manual i could get sharper images right?
Courtney B
No. That just means that you'd need to achieve focus manually, but the optics/sharpness would be very similar to the 10-18mm lens
oh okay cool
Courtney B
i have no idea what to get
Courtney B
It's a tough call! I would personally wait for the 10-18mm lens
youre the expert, so ill listen to you ;-)
Courtney B
:-) Sounds good! That makes things a bit easier
do you have an instagram?
Courtney B
I don't
Courtney B
its cool lol
Courtney B
Do you have any other lens questions? Or any other gear? I'm happy to help if you do! :-)
i do not... was curious on if i should choose the sony or not ha
Courtney B
I think it would be a really great lens for you to shoot landscapes with
10-18mm is really a perfect focal range
okay cool. Im gonna need it for my next trip!
Courtney B
thank you. Have a good night :-p
Courtney B
You're welcome! Make sure to stop back in chat if you have any further questions, ok?
Have a great night too! :-)
hopefully to get you :-p
Courtney B
If you don't get me, everyone is just as helpful :-) I promise
haha okay
Courtney B
Bye! :-)
bye :-p
Courtney B