What are good telephoto lenses for the Nikon D3 and D4 cameras?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on June 29, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at Nikon lenses?
Or need some help picking one out?
Yes. My company has a D3 and a D4, and we are trying to think about adding some lenses.
Courtney B
We have one lense we might like to replace. and then maybe think about one or two longer lenses.
WHat we have...
On the D3 which looks like AF-s Nikkor VR and thatsthe same for the D4
Courtney B
Ok! Which focal length were you thinking?
Something telephoto?
I like our broken lense, autofocus is shot, It's a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 18-200mm
Courtney B
Did you want another copy of that lens?
It's a great, versatile lens!
Maybe. I love how I can zoom pretty far and still get a group shot without a lense change.
Courtney B
Exactly. It's the perfect lens for that
We thought about buying anew one for each camera. I saw that on the site. But we also wanted to think about maybe 300 0r 400 zoom. We use longer zooms for graduation shots from pretty far away with disturbing the speakers. I saw some ???- 300 and some ????-400 lenses.
Courtney B
Maybe the 28-300mm lens would be an option?
That lens is still going to allow you the option of taking a group photo without switching out the lens
I like the idea of longer zoom and still getting pretty wide if needed. We shoot sports, indoor and outdoor events, poorly lit auditoriums, closeups and pretty wide angles.
Courtney B
This would be pretty good for that! But for poorly lit indoor situations, something like the 70-200mm f/2.8 is an even better option
We also have 50mm for each to shoot portraits or other stuff if needed.
Courtney B
We also have some poor zooms like 24-120 and 24-70, but they are just not enough variety or zoom.
Courtney B
They're excellent lenses, but definitely more suited towards everyday shooting or a walk-around lens
So if i"m looking what numbers or letters would not be for our cameras? I know the AF-S NIKKOR and the VR is key but is therany leters or number that are not for our cameras.
Courtney B
You don't necessarily need an AF-S or VR lens for your cameras
But you want to stay away from DX lenses
That's the only thing to watch out for
So no DX, got it. We like Nikon lenses just to stay consistent.
Courtney B
VR just means that the lens has vibration reduction. Which is an added feature, but not necessary
Do you know if you or anybody ever "repairs" autofocus on lenses? So maybe repair one and buy one to cover both cameras?
Courtney B
Nikon would do that
OK. One other thought. We have a pro photographer we use soemtimes. It seemd like her lenses are larger in diameter. Is that maybe just her camera being a larger camera? or is ther another level of more expensive lenses evenfor thesecameras?
Courtney B
Hmmmm...I'm not sure what you mean by larger in diameter
Like the lens has a larger filter thread?
Like ours look maybe 2.5-3 inches across the lense if you measured. Hers liike like almost 4" across.
Courtney B
Ok. That's just the way some lenses are built
OK and she may have a canon or larger.
And if we are thinking about a new camera, what is the next Nikon that MIGHT be able to use or current or these new lenses we are looking at?
Courtney B
If you want something in line with your D4, you'd be moving up to the new D5
Would the lenses be interchangeable? Do they sell D4 anymore? Just asking.
Courtney B
The lenses would definitely be interchangeable
You can use your lenses with any current Nikon DSLR
OK. SO back to 300 mm vs 400mm.
Courtney B
If I am taking a photos of a pitcher and I'm 50-60 feet away how much closer or betterdoes it get me?
Courtney B
Hmmm...I've never really measured it out, but the 300mm or 400mm are definitely going to get you closer than the 200mm would have
And is there any limitations on how fast or slow I would have to shoot with one vs other?
Courtney B
OK. Do you guys sell D5?
Courtney B
We do!
Let me bring it up for you
SO what is dif of CF vs XQD is that just the card type? DO they do video also?
Courtney B
Yes, they do video as well. 4k video!
And the difference is just in the card type
The XQD cards are a bit easier to switch out quickly since there aren't any pins to worry about
But they're a bit pricier
I like the XQD a lot better. I use them at home. The D$ we have now has both.
Courtney B
And if we are thinking about a new camera, what is the next Nikon that MIGHT be able to use or current or these new lenses we are looking at?
Courtney B
All of them
Can you see if we are able to use a PO to buy from you? We are at budget year end and might need to buy in the next two days
Courtney B
Oh, ok!
One last thing. Any ideas of how I could see different lenses before we buy? I though about going to a local camera store and just looking?
Courtney B
You can rent lenses or stop at a local camera store, but local stores don't always have everything in stock
Renting gear is going to be the best way to get a really good feel for it before you buy
thanks for all the help. I'm way better shape to make the call on the lenses now.
Courtney B
Ok! You're very welcome!
I'm glad that I was able to help!
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