What extension tubes for macro photos work on the Canon Rebel cameras?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on July 21, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. How can I help you?
Hi Anne
Anne A.
How can I help you?
Yes, I am looking for a macro lens to take photos of jewelry
I'm definitely a novice when it comes to photography. so looking for something easy to use
Anne A.
what camera do you have?
not sure if i should get a true macro lens or an extension
canon rebel
Anne A.
what lenses do you have now?
50mm f/1.8 and the kit lens
Anne A.
the 50mm is a good lens
if you want the least expensive option, you could use extension tubes
that will be manual focus then - is that ok?
Oh didn't know that
but ok that would be fine
Anne A.
let me get you some options
Anne A.
I'm only showing Canon brand lenses availble used right now
there is an older version of this lens without IS and a newer version with IS
do you want the IS version?
here are some extension tube options 0
this one from Canon will allow autofocus -