What is a good landscape lens for the Fuji X-Pro 2?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


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Shopper conversation with Courtney B on July 07, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at camera bags?
actually im looking for camera lens for fuji xpro 2
im not a pro photog but i like taking pics of portaits and landscapes
what lens would you reco?
Courtney B
Let me bring up some options!
The best zoom option would be the Fuji 10-24mm f/4 lens
It's an excellent option for wide angle zoom
that's good for landscape and portraits?
Courtney B
It's great for landscapes!
But probably a bit too much distortion for portraits
oh! gottit
Courtney B
Let me bring up some other options
The Fuji 16-55mm f/2.8 wouldn't be quite as wide for landscapes, but still wide enough and would offer a much better focal length for portraits
Plus, it's f/2.8 so you'd get that nice blurred background if you like that
Courtney B
It's an excellent lens!
so i should consider if it's a wide or a regular huh
Courtney B
Something around 40-50mm is great for portraits (or higher)
oh ok ok
Courtney B
But for landscapes, most photographers generally prefer a wide angle
i see
Courtney B
and the one you reco is a good one
oh and i have a question about primes and zooms
Courtney B
What question do you have?
with aooms, it covers the range of the primes, right?
if so, why should i get primes if i get the range with zooms?
Courtney B
Well, the main reason would be for the wider aperture
This lens opens up to f/2.8, which is really great
But some primes will open up to f/1.4, which is even better for low light or a shallower depth of field
what does aperture do? sory im such a newbie
Courtney B
No problem!
Aperture is how wide the lens opens up when the photo is taken.
The wider that it opens, the more light that it lets in
A lower number (f/1.4) actually means that the lens has a larger aperture compared to something that's f/2.8 or f/4
And the lower the number, the shallower your depth of field (the more the background is blurred)
which is better for portraits right?
Courtney B
so for portraits, better get a prime?
for landscape, the one you reco'd (wide)?
Courtney B
A lot of photographers do prefer primes for portraits, but this 16-55mm lens would work well too
Yes, most landscape photographers like to be able to capture a wide view of the scenery, rather than being zoomed in on something
So something like a 10-24mm or 16-55mm focal length is great
for portraits?
or for landscapes
Courtney B
For landscapes
i see!
Courtney B
ok and ill take your word for it that the lenses you reco'd (fujifilm) is good for what i need
Courtney B
They absolutely are :-)
But you wouldn't need both of these lenses. If you want one that does it all, the 16-55mm lens is great
the 16-55 is also good for a "regular" lens right?
Courtney B
If you'd rather get a wide angle lens for landscapes and a prime for portraits, you could go with the 10-24mm for landscapes and a prime for portraits
YEs, the 16-55mm is a great all around lens
It's a really versatile focal length
oh! ok! so that's like everyday lens!
Courtney B
yey ok! coz im thinking of getting 1 lens first so i could tame the camera first then get new lenses later on.
Courtney B
so it's the 16-55 is my best option
Courtney B
Yes, I would recommend the 16-55mm
It's an excellent lens
thank you so much :-)
Courtney B
You're welcome!
learned a lot
Courtney B
That's great! I'm glad I was able to help!
oh! last question
60mm is good for?
Courtney B
Sure! What question do you have?
60mm would be good for portraits
that's your reco lens for portraits?
that's a prime right?
Courtney B
Fuji doesn't make a 60mm lens, I don't think
But something around there would be good
Since the 16-55mm lens is really close, it would work well on the 55mm end
(for portraits)
but if i get the 16-55 it's basically the same as 60mm?
Courtney B
yey! thanks :-)
Courtney B
You're welcome!