What is a good zoom lens to pair with the 50mm lens on a Canon EOS T6s camera?

Eric T.
CamerasLenses Expert

Semi-pro music composer 5+ years working on games & films! I also compete in short film competitions! #gamesound


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Shopper conversation with Eric T. on August 08, 2016

I am buying a 50mm lens - what would you recommend as my second prime lens?
Eric T.
good question
which camera do you have?
I'm getting a canon t6s
looking into what lenses to get - def getting the 50mm for one
looked into zoom lenses - but I think I might want to stick with prime
Eric T.
okay, what do you think about a 70-300mm lens?
it's a telephoto
would you recommend going with a zoom? I typically shoot everything - I've done portraits and landscape and product photography - limiting myself to two lenses though - is the 300m what you would recommend?
Eric T.
If you are already getting one prime yes
I was also looking at the 18-300m - would that be a larger range but give it less quality?
Eric T.
not necessarily
Did you have one in mind?
no - i'm new to lenses, I've learned all I could on a Nikon Coolpix - so I shoot full manual etc, but am practically illiterate when it comes to lenses. :-) :-(
Eric T.
no problems
I would lean toward getting a larger range in that case though
18-300 will offer alot of versatility
is there a lens that would give the same result at a lower price - or is this the price i'm looking at?
Eric T.
We can probably find something a little cheaper, one second
also - what are your thought on buying used lenses? is it worth it to buy new?
Eric T.
what kind of price range do you have?
I was actually about to recommend a used lens actually
Ive never had a problem with used lenses
okay - thanks for your help - i'll probably end up taking your advice. :-)
Eric T.
alright. let me know if you need anything else. thanks for chatting!