What product makes it easy to change lenses on the go when shooting a wedding?

Jack S.
CamerasLenses Expert

Hello, I own a Photography business and have 30+ years doing photography with SLR's.


Jack S. recommended

4 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Jack S. on July 31, 2016

Jack S.
Welcome to Adorama, how can I help you today?
I am looking at the 24-70 refurb and would like to understand more of the condition the lens will be in.
Jack S.
It will be in like new condition and thoroughly gone over by a Nikon tech. Refurbished products are usually demo, off the line production products or customer returns
I use refurbs exclusively
never had an issue
did that help?
I buy Apple reforms because I know that everything is as good or better than new. So is Nikon the same situation?
Jack S.
Same thing
1. Is the warranty the same as new?
2. Do you think the additional warranty is a good deal?
Jack S.
the warranty on all Nikon refurbs is 90 days and I have never had to use it. The additional warranty can be piece of mind but in my opinion it is not needed. Kind of comes down to personal preference. I have never purchased the extended warranty
Jack, I will be using this for weddings along with my 70-200. I will be changing lenses on the go. Any advise pertaining to carrying both heavy lenses and performing a quick change?
Jack S.
Do you have only one camera?
I have two, but my second shooter will have the other.
Jack S.
I too am a working wedding and portrait photographer and I hang the 70-200mm on a dual black rapid strap when not in use. They make products just for that.
let me see if I can find the one I use
give me a sec
Cool, I have a black rapid strap that I love but not a dual purpose.
Jack S.
that is what I use
that one actually
once you use it, it is hard to get along with out it
Thanks, I will have to read more detail about them.
Jack S.
great product
So you have both or the lens changing kit adapter with a black rapid strap? I guess I am not familiar with this equipment.
Jack S.
lens changing kit with a BR strap
one more piece you have to get
let me bring it up
that would be everything you need to connect to the BRS
So, I don't need a different BR strap? Those two things attach to it...
Jack S.
correct, it attaches to my BR strap just fine
Sounds good, but excuse my newness to this concept. It is hard to visualize. I will go online and try to get a feel for how it works.
Jack S.
always best to do your own hoimework, I am just glad i could point you in the right direction
I appreciate it. Just another question. Where do you hang your lens? Below the camera?
Jack S.
I hang my camera by the tripod mount upside down and the extra lenses hang on the other strap. on the opposite side.
Did that make sense?
Yep. My first thought is I would be in danger of banging them against something as I slide between aisles or drop down to get the flower girl ...
Jack S.
I have done it many time but the peak design gives you a few options on where and how to hang it. You can mount the lens changer on your chest with the right strap.
Like on the shoulder straps
that can get heavy though
check out peak design videos on you tube
OK, I will. I like the idea of arming up like Rambo. Hopefully everyone is not watching me instead of the bride :-)
Jack S.
It does look crazy
but makes thing a little easier in a a chaotic wedding atmosphere
Thanks Jack. I am gong to order the lens and quite possibly buy the Rambo gear as well.
Jack S.
I think you will like it and good luck
Thank you for the help
Jack S.
you are very welcome
Thanks again, I am signing out
Jack S.
have a great eving