What's a good longer telephoto lens for nature / wildlife photos using the Nikon D70?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


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Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on August 07, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! I'm Dan. How are you? Did you have questions on Nikon lenses?
Yes, my computer froze. I amona missinfor the church Og Jesus Christ Of LatterDay saints in Nauvoo,Ill. My job is to capture actions photosfor the church facebook in Salt Lake City Utah. There fore I need a good far rng tele photolens
Daniel H.
that is great! what kind of subjects do you plan to take pictures of? people? landscape? sports?
If you were planning to use a camera in the 200 to 600mm lens do you have a monopod or tripod already? If not it would be something I strongly suggest (the thing poking out of the left if a mount system for tri/mono pods
People mostly from a far range some scenery wildlife
Daniel H.
okat-- that 200-500 mm lens would be an idea lens
what kind of Nikon camera will you be using?
d 70
Daniel H.
the lens you were looking at is intended for full frame sensors
a d70 is a crop (smaller) sensor
so let me see what kind of lens comperable to what you were looking
would be a good fit for you!
one moment
what about a segma
Daniel H.
sigma is a great alternative brand to nikon for lenses
also keep in mind a 333mm lens on a crop sensor will be equal to a 500 mm on a full frame
you multiple by 1.5 to get actual mm when using crop sensor cameras
so this
55-300 would be 83mm to 450mm
okay -- you already have a very nice telephoto lens
would you want something that had more of a wide focus?
the one you suggest is very inexensiveand my other photographys are suggesting a more xpensive one
Daniel H.
they may not know you have a crop sensor camera
I alredy have the oneyou suggest
Daniel H.
you would need a $2000 camera to use that lens you were looking at properly.
like the Nikon D760 or D810
I was showing lenses that properly fit your camera sensor and mount options.
so there is no better lens FOR MY NIKON
Daniel H.
I will check for other brands :-)
for the crop sensor in a d70 .. checking other brands like Sony and Sigma.. Tokina, etc.. I see no other lenses
to get into a wider range of lenses you would need to invest in a full frame sensor like the Nikon D760
those full frame lenses were intended for cameras like the used D750 I posted above