Which 100mm macro do you recommend for my Canon DSLR?

Daniel H.
CamerasLenses Expert

I love photography, video & audio production. Owner video production business 5+yrs. 23+yrs in camera work. #tellastory


Daniel H. recommended

1 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Daniel H. on July 01, 2016

Daniel H.
Hi! I'm Dan! How are you? I would love to answer any lens/camera questions you have.
Did you have questions on lenses for Canon cameras?
I am interested in a macro lens. I like "L" lenses. I am looking at a tokina, and two canons. wondering if you hcan help me decide
Daniel H.
sure! I will do my best
what is your primary concern relating to the lenses?
clarity, depth of field (if there are differences), low light capabilities,
I want super crisp images
canons I"m interested in are the MP-E and the 100L
Daniel H.
okay -- yes
there has been a lot of discussion between these lenses
the big thing I see is the lens extension
the canon has internal focus
I want top quality, so we can take the tokina out of the picture if the glass in inferior ot the canon
Daniel H.
it also has a range finder limit switch
which helps with speed of af as if that helps
well the tokina pro glass certainly is higher quality than their normal galss
err glass lol
but it seems most agree th canon glass is still superior
that along with internals on focusing gives it a more poiished feel when using it
OK, so I'm decided on Canon. Now regarding the MP-E, it seems that one gives you a more magnified image, but based on my research, may require software (focus stacking) as well as somewhat of a learning curve.
Daniel H.
well the 100 may give you better working distance
some really love the bokeh on the mp-e though
do you have a lkot of marco experience?
and did you have another macro?
I fake my macros with my 17-55mm, cropping out the middle and living with what I get. I want better images, so to answer your question... no experience!
Daniel H.
okay -- understandable
the 100 is going to be a more versatile lens
the mp-e will be strictly for macro based on how it treats the image when focusing
I really want to start getting closer. I like photographing bugs and small critters
Daniel H.
cool -- the 100 can do that as well but will also work well in traditional shots -- whereas the mpe will be a tripod and setup intensive lens
many people buy it as a second macro lens after they are comfortable using a physical marco
OK, makes sense. Can I send you a link to an image to give you an idea about what I'm after?
Daniel H.
yes.. sure feel free to paste it in here
This is a photo of a spider I took. It is highly cropped out of the middle of the shot. I would like to be able to get this shot PLUS, zoom in on its face. https://flic.kr/p/HJndwf
Daniel H.
indeed a honest physical marco.. either one you were looking at would do that for you :-)
but what you were saying about setting up the mp-e makes me think that getting the shot would be limiting, especially on a moving subject. Snails and sit-still bugs OK, but not something on the move. I think I'm leaning toward the 100L. Just a couple more questions...
Daniel H.
the mp-e is will be a more involved shot.. great if you have the time and energy -- and experience -- indeed especially on living shots..
I think the 100l will make a great lens for you.. and if you decide after a year you want to move into the mp-e you can do that -- sell your old one and move to something a little more hard core?
OK, so now regarding the 100L, in low light is tripod required?
Daniel H.
you may need to use a tripod, yes
low light is a bit nebulous but yeah
still a 2.8 lens
Yes... I like that!
Daniel H.
Is there a bundle on your site with a decent ring flash
Daniel H.
you were looking at is, right?
I thought I saw it once, but can't find it now.
Daniel H.
only thing I could see was the non is has a bundle
No I need IS
Daniel H.
thought perhaps
is certainly is very handy
Is there a decent flash ring that you could recommend?
Daniel H.
maybe that?
That's super inexpensive! Is it decent? I mean, can I learn on it?
and get decent results?
Daniel H.
I don't think it is ttl
it works well -- not nicest out there but probably the best bang for the buck
Is that one set up to go directly on the lens, or is adapter or step-up/down required
Daniel H.
it works with a variety of lenses
it has several adapter rings
fantastic to hear! Glad I could help.
For $50, it seems like it might be worth a try. I will do some research on it first. You've helped me make my decision. Is there any other accessory I might consider before I make a purchase? filters, focus mounts, minipods, etc.
Daniel H.
do you have a good tripod?
do you have filters for this size lens?
I have filters for a 70-200mm L zoom. and 17-55 mm Lens. They are interchangable.
Daniel H.
what ring size are they?
youd just need to be sure they are compatible but awesome!
Also, my tripod is old. Would love a new one, but don't want to spend an arm and a leg. I LOVED my old one, but it's connections are starting to fail, so especially with my heavy zoom, one leg slowly gets shorter!!
Daniel H.
what kind is your old one?
Velbon, I think?? It's not in front of me I've had it for over 30 years!
Daniel H.
great to hear.. longevity
I love benro tripods..
great value for price
can you send me a link to a couple that you like?
Daniel H.
just glad to help
there is another benro to look at :-)
Well, it's a holiday weekend. Don't let me keep you. I am going to buy the 100mm L and a few other things. I can't do it right now, but my order will be coming through this afternoon. I have to run out right now.
The benros look nice
Daniel H.
I love them.. bout half the price of manfrotto
get 80% of features
manfrotto imo are top of the pack
but benro are a almost there and the price usually puts me towards benro
I still have a tripod from the 90s
but not benro they are new
a silk.. was a tank
is a tank
there is a comperable priced silk
very similar to my elderly one
Benro looks nice. It looks like it converts to a mono as well.
Daniel H.
yes many of them do
haven't tried .. mine does do that
because I have a nice monopod from them
use that one for video
one last question - kind of unrelated - and then I'll let you go... I have an odd stain on one of my lenses. I'm not sure how it got there, it looks like normal grease stain, but doesn't come off with cleaner. Is there a lens cleaner you recommend? I use a decent solution from a company in Massachusetts. I can go get the bottle
Daniel H.
be right back...
Its called "Eclipse" from Photographic Solutions. It usually works great.
Daniel H.
cool -- they are a good brand yes -- was going to be my suggestion :/
some have had good success with lenspen too
not as premium as PS.. but if the tool works?!
OK. I might try it. Thank you very much for all your help. I'm not sure I'll get the tripod for this order, but I do like it, and if I get frustrated enough with the loose leg on my dinosaur, I'll probably order it sooner than later. Can I have a copy of this chat? I'll be sure to mention your name in my order.
Daniel H.
perfect! I hope you have a great holiday weekend! hmmmm
click in our chat area where your and my responses are. control a for all highlight
control c for copy
then go into word or notepad.. click control v for paste
I was able to copy it. Thanks and have a great holiday!
Daniel H.
thank you -- you too!
Customer Rating:
Needler: 10
Experience: 10
Feedback: Daniel H was very knowledgeable. I will make a purchase based on her recommendations.