Which 35mm lens is the sharpest on a Nikon DSLR?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on July 26, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. How can I help you?
Hi! Are you shopping for a lens today?
Hi, Anne:
hi Anne:
Anne A.
how can I help you today?
Hi Anne: I am having troubl ewith my keyboard- sorry. I have a Nikon D3100 and was wondering if the Niko 35 mm 1.8 mm prime would images as crisp and clear as the no=more expensive niokon 35 mm prime f2.0? I wil primarily be using a 35 mm prime lens for my owrk as a magazine reporter.
Anne A.
the 35mm f1.8 is a great lens!
It's very sharp
Hi, Anne:
I am having trouble with my keyboard- sorry. I have a Nikon D3100, and was wondering if the Nikon 35 mm 1.8 mm prime would produce images as crisp and clear as the more-expensive Nikon 35 mm prime f2.0? I will primarily be using a 35 mm prime lens for my work as a magazine reporter.
Hi, Anne:
I am having trouble with my keyboard- sorry. I have a Nikon D3100, and was wondering if the Nikon 35 mm 1.8 mm prime would produce images as crisp and clear as the more-expensive Nikon 35 mm prime f2.0? I will primarily be using a 35 mm prime lens for my work as a magazine reporter.
Sorry about my typos - keybosar did messing up a bit. Which lens has the clear er images - f1.8 or f 2.0. The f1.8 seems to contain more plastic.
Anne A.
I've never used the f2.0 lens but the f1.8 is a very good lens
If you want the sharpest 35mm, the Sigma Art 35mm lens is one of the best out there
I have heard that, but what price tag are we looking at? And is the Sigma ever avaiable used?
Anne A.
that lens is 899.
it is available used sometimes, but those go pretty quickly. it's a very popular lens
Above my GS level! I am a scientist and reporter, not a photographer, so a bit of an overkill. Do you have any idea if the Nikon f2.0 woudl be a better quality lens than the f1.8?
Anne A.
let me check the f2.0 lens - I'm not sure it will autofocus on the D3200
Good idea - thanks.
Anne A.
that lens will not autofocus on the d3200
I would go for the f1.8 dx lens
it is a plastic body lens, but it's great quality and very ligtht too
What is your is your ca l on the used nikon f 1.8 for sale now (SKU: US 803533) for $114 vs a new one for $169?
Anne A.
I'm big on the used lenses! they are normally a great deal
however in this case, I'd go for new
the new lens is 166
and you will get the full 5 year warranty from Nikon
on the used lens, you'll get 180 days from Adorama
Also the new one has a free $10 lens filter! Anne - you rock - thanks for the great help! Glenn Greewald
Anne A.
you're welcome!
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