Which lenses are recommended for landscape photography for the Canon T6?

Courtney B
CamerasLenses Expert

Portrait business owner with 6 lenses & 4 cameras, B.S., & fine art macro shooter! Adorama gear helps me capture it!


Courtney B recommended

2 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Courtney B on July 06, 2016

Courtney B
Hi! How are you? I noticed that you were looking at Canon lenses?
Did you have some questions about any in particular?
I'm looking for a good lens to use for landscapes
Courtney B
Which camera do you have?
I am disabled and when feeling well enough like to go on walks with my dog and would be taking pictures of landscapes/waterfalls and my dog
Courtney B
i have a canon T6 kit camera
Courtney B
The Sigma 10-20mm lens is one of my favorite options
It's an excellent wide angle option, on sale for $449
ive been told to look at the 70-200 or 70-300
Courtney B
So you're looking for something more along the lines of a telephoto lens?
Are you hoping to zoom in from far away?
I don't know. I was told those two would give me the ability to take some landscapes but also crop the photo by zooming so I dodnt have to do it later on
plus id be taking pictures of my service dog as well
Courtney B
Most photographers will use a wide angle lens for landscapes, since they want to capture a broad view of the landscape
But with a 200mm or 300mm lens, you'd be zooming in from far away instead
would you use a wide angle to take pictures of a waterfall?
Courtney B
So it's just a matter of what you want to do
If you were standing close to the waterfall, yes
but if you cant get close then you would have to use a zoom
Courtney B
Yes, that's correct
ok so is there a happy middle
I think that was the reason I was told to look at the 70-200 or 70-300
Courtney B
Sure! There are lenses that go from something like 18-270mm
But if you have an 18-55mm kit lens, it's not going to give you a wider angle than that lens already does
I was wanting a better lens with better glass then the kit
Courtney B
looking at the L series but not sure if any that aren't L would get as good of pitures as the L series
Courtney B
The L series lenses are definitely the best
that what i thought
Courtney B
There are quite a few options, depending on how much you'd like to spend
yeah I've been looking
the ones with IS are a little out of my price range
Courtney B
well thank you for the help ill have to just keep looking and see what i end up picking
Courtney B
Ok! You're very welcome!
Make sure to stop back in chat if you have any further questions, ok?