Which wide angle lens and UV filter are recommended for the Canon 7d mark II?

Anne A.
CamerasLenses Expert

Two decades a photographer. My passions are photos of family and cars. How can I help you with your passion?


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Shopper conversation with Anne A. on July 15, 2016

Anne A.
Hi! Welcome to Adorama! How are you today? My name is Anne. How can I help you?
Hi! Are you shopping for a lens today?
Yes, I'm trying to decide on a wide angel lens for my canon 7d mark ii
Anne A.
i'm looking at the EF-S 10-22 mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Anne A.
that's a nice lens!
hat will you be shooting?
want to make sure it's compatible w/the 7d mark ii
and what lens cover would be a good choice to protect the lens
Anne A.
that lens is compatible
do you want a filter? or something like a lenscoat?
probably filter
Anne A.
that uses a 77mm filter
Anne A.
this is a good one for protection
being a UV filter does that affect indoor photography/color?
Anne A.
no. you can get a clear filter too
i would think I would like that better
can you tell me the pros of using a hood on a lens
Anne A.
you can do that!
a hood will reduce lens flare
it also helps protect the lens from bumps
most of my lens come w/hoods but i don't really know how it helps/etc... the photo
oh lol...anything with lighting?
that makes sense about the bumps
Anne A.
It doesn't affect the lighting
possibly side angel sun???
okay so other than protecting the lens good
any hood that's 77 mm be good?
Anne A.
for this lens, it'd be best to not use one since it doesn't come with one
if you use one that isn't designed for this lens, it could show in your images
you'll see a black ring around the image
oh okay, i did notice i think in one of the bundles it had one but didn't investigate which one
Anne A.
three is a bundle that includes a hood for this lens!
I appreciate your help; i've been a long time customer of adorama and enjoy the chat feature
okay i thought i might have seen, well i can go to that bundle and see which hood and maybe order separately?
Anne A.
I'm glad to help!
okay, thank you again and I will go and do my ordering
Anne A.
You could, or just order that bundle - its the same cost as without the hood
that has the skylight wide angel as well?
actually it's the UV
Anne A.
it does include the UV
the main reason i am buying this lens at this time is to do indoor real estate photography for a realtor
and i know many times i will encounter low light, i'm afraid the UV filter will make me use lower/higher settings
I guess what I am asking is whether i will need to compensate for the UV filter
Anne A.
I haven't heard of that being an issue with a UV
if you were using a CPL that would definitely be an issue
okay, you're the expert and i appreciate your input
Anne A.
This is a great lens for real estate!
you're making me feel better each minute...lol
I appreciate your help and I may just order that bundle
are there any rebates on this lens?
Anne A.
not at this time unfortunately
okay, i appreciate your help and won't take up anymore of your time
you have a great evening...again, I appreciate Adorama and their representatives
Anne A.
I'm here all night if you have any more questions :-)
Have a good evening!
Thanks for chatting! Remember if you have any additional questions? please do not hesitate to come back. Thanks for shopping at Adorama!
thank you!
Anne A.
you're welcome!
going to end this chat now
Anne A.
Customer Rating:
Needler: 10
Experience: 10
Feedback: I really appreciated Anne A's help. She answered my questions and didn't seem to rush w/answers and get me off. She was great!