How do the JVC Quad-Proof Full HD Camcorder models compare to each other?

Eric T.
ProVideo Expert

Semi-pro music composer 5+ years working on games & films! I also compete in short film competitions! #gamesound


Eric T. recommended

4 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Eric T. on June 01, 2016

Eric T.
Hello, my name is Eric how can I help?
are you shopping for camcorders today?
Hi Eric - Do you know how long it will be when the JVC GZR450BUS will be in stock?
Eric T.
Unfortunately it is on backorder and with no ETA listed as of yet.
Yes of course, can I pull one up for you?
Do you have any other brand of camcorders in the same price range with the same capabilities?
Eric T.
sure! let me check the catologue
Here is the closest match I have so far
Everything but the wifi feature is there
How does that look?
That was my original thought, but it does not have an internal GB memory like the other one, right?
Eric T.
No you are right about that
But I wouldnt consider that too large a drawback since SD cards are effective and pretty inexpensive now too
Are there any other capabilities other than the internal GB that would be the differences between the 2 models?
Eric T.
Im comparing them now. also would you like me to pull up some sd cards to bundle with the camera?
yes, please
Eric T.
And no. these two models are very similar
Here is a 64gb card With great reviews
thats double the size of the internal memory of the other camrea
Does the R320 have the touch screen LCD like the R450?
Eric T.
It is definitely touch screen.
What is AVCHD progressive recording? It appears to be in the R450 but not the R320?
Eric T.
avchd is a file format that was developed for camcorders
baiscally means you have another option for compressing the video while recording
Is that a good thing?
Eric T.
Its not bad to have sure, but other file formats do the job just fine. I cant think of a reason why you would need avcHD
The reason its in one camera and not the other is the internal storage
recording in the avchd format is easier on harddisks
how much are the sd cards?
Eric T.
You can get a 64gb card for 24,95 on adorama
Strictly price wise using sd cards will net you more space total than buying internal storage
but doesn't the R450 have the option to increase storage by having the sd card also?
Eric T.
Yes it does have that
The only downside to internal storage is the price
Personally I would always go with the cheaper model and buy more sd cards
But internal storage can be convenient
true. I had a JVC with the internal 80GB for 5 years and was totally spoiled. I love the camcorder and definitely want to purchase another. My hubby wants me to get the one with the internal GB, but I like the color on the one without. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.
Eric T.
You can order the other one in black as well
Of course if you want the internal storage dont let me dissuade you from waiting
hmmm. I'm not sure how long I'm willing to wait. That's the problem.
I'll go ahead and wait, and place the order for the R450
Eric T.
Great. if you go through checkout now would you mind leaving the chat room open?
Eric T.
Thanks! And let me know if you have any other questions
one more question. how long do I have to purchase the warranty after I order?
Eric T.
"All ADH plans must
be purchased within 14 days of the product s purchase date"
There you are.
ok. so, since the product is not in yet, when it does arrive and ship and I've been charged, then I have within 14 days to purchase the plan? correct?
Eric T.
Yes correct
Not 14 days from placing a preorder
ok. cool.