What is the jpeg resolution on still images for the Panasonic HC-VX870 4K Ultra HD Camcorder?

Joao M.
ProVideo Expert

Love music and video! Recording studio owner, audio engineer and video editing nerd, love music and art! #PV #PA


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Shopper conversation with Joao M. on July 01, 2016

Joao M.
Hi! I'm Joao, how are you?
Any questions on the Panasonic camcorder?
is it 4K
Joao M.
yes it is
so what abotu pictures
how much is resoltion for pictures
Joao M.
25.9MP for still images
still imige means capture picture from the video stream or waht?\
Joao M.
it means taking pictures
in jpeg format
for 4k the frequence is 25 Hz
is that frequence isn't to low
to see flickering of the video
what is the meadia wjere need to be saved the video is it SSH drrive
Joao M.
you mean the refresh rate right?
Joao M.
refresh rate is a term used in 4k TVs, not the cameras though
and the video is saved to the drive in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
is this US dollars or canadian
is this product available in canada
Joao M.
$697.99 US dollars
you can have it shipped to canada
what is your zip code?
Close Toronto
Joao M.
i will see ...new week ...anyway thanks for all information which you give me
Joao M.
you're welcome! and it looks like shipping to Canada would be aroung S40 USD
if you have any other questions let us know ok? glad to help
Have a great day!
you too
Joao M.