What memory card is fast and has enough storage for the Panasonic AG-DVX200 4K Handheld Camcorder?

James S.
ProVideo Expert

Musician, photographer that's been playing and snapping for 10 years! These are my two greatest passions! Let's chat!


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Shopper conversation with James S. on August 03, 2016

James S.
Hi there! How are you? I'm James. Do you have any questions on pro video gear? Or how about questions pertaining to cameras? How can I help you today?
Hi, i just bought the Panasonic AG-DVX200 and I wanted to see what memory card is good for this camera's 4k but still at a lower price.
James S.
Well, it records onto SD cards, so you're going to want something with decent size (it can use 2, so that's a bonus).
What is your budget for a card or set of cards?
im thinking, im ok with spending $100 on each SD. and I know of a card out there that I can get for $100 for the 64gb. but I just wanted to see if you knew of any better deals that I cant find
James S.
Do you happen to know the speed on that card?
280mb/s is the speed on the card im talking about. The camera does 250mb/s
James S.
Is it this one by any chance?
thats the one that I found as well.
but with 4k that card will only be able to hold around 5 min of footage if my math is rite
James S.
Here's a 256GB in that price range, but it's a bit slower.
even know its a bit slower. Do you think 4k will still be able to go on to the card?
James S.
It's right at the threshold for 4k writing.
So it should definitely work.
But I would definitely not go any slower.
Awesome! Ok, I think im going to go with that then. Thank you man. So even know the camera says it will do 250 mb/s this SD card will be able to handle it
James S.
It's sort of like sticking two pipes for water to flow through together. Both have to be the same size for that max speed.
So while the camera can write at that speed, it can't go faster, and is limited to the capabilities of the card.
So with this card that does 95 mb/s. It wouldnt wright the 4k in 250 mb/s?
James S.
Well, it might do all the in-camera rending and such at 250mb/s but the transfer from camera to card is limited to the max speed of the card.
Ok. So 4k still should work, it just mite back it up a little
James S.
ok, sounds good man. Thank you
James S.
Did you have any other questions today? Were you looking at any other products?
that is all
James S.
In that case, thank you.
Take care and enjoy your new cards!
Yes! Thank you!