Will high speed sync work on the Flashpoint StreakLight 360?

Nelson O.
CamerasLenses Expert

Hey there, My name is Nelson and with my 17 years in the music industry my goal is to provide a great musical experience


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Shopper conversation with Nelson O. on July 27, 2016

Nelson O.
hello Im nelson! can i assist you with any camera lenses /pro video/audio questions today?
Yes, can you help me. Looking at the Flashpoint StreakLight 360, it shows it does HSS - will there be anything I need to purchase additionally to get HSS to work on Canon 5DM3 or Canon 6D
Nelson O.
I think you should be all set with this
but let me double check
OK, now what If I wanted to have a 2nd speedlight like a Phottix Mitros be controlled with a trigger along with the Streaklight - what configuration of triggers would I need to get to make them both communicate, or is that possible?
Nelson O.
i dont think that is possible
but let me double check for you
give me a sec
Nelson O.
ok for the first question
for the older model you need HSS capable triggers.
like the YN622c
The newer models have newer triggers with it, or you can purchase as an accessory
Whatever flash you have the trigger for use the trigger to fire it. But the other flash and slave mode. That way it will fire when the first flash fires
So, is the streaklight 360 the older or newer model?
Nelson O.
Which ever one you do not have the trigger for. If no triggers at all. You can use the pop-up flash with both lights in slave mode
There's two versions of 360's depends on that version he has
I have not purchased the Streaklight 360 yet, so i do not have it right now. which version is the latest that has the trigger already?
Nelson O.
this is the latest
OK - Thanks a bunch.
Nelson O.
you are very welcome
is there anything else i can help you with today?
No, that should be it - thanks
Nelson O.
thank you for chatting with me today
an I wish you a fantastic day